Evolutionists aren’t joking when they ask, “What came first, the live-birth or the egg?” Evolutionists generally consider the egg-laying mode of reproduction to be more primitive than live-bearing. If egg-laying really is more primitive, then where are all the early egg-laying mammals?
The platypus has perplexed scientists since its discovery by Europeans in the late 18th century. There is nothing in the fossil record to indicate that the platypus was ever anything other than a platypus. It is not a living “transitional” form. It is a truly unique creature, and one that continues to baffle those who insist on making it fit into an evolutionary tree.
While apes are skilled tool-users, their skills are generally no better than the abilities of some birds, dolphins, and some elephants. As creationists, we know that the anatomical similarities between man and ape are the result not of a common ancestor, but of a common Creator. Furthermore, man was made in God’s image (Genesis 1:26–27).
Whether it’s a fierce tiger basking in the sunshine or a fun-loving tomcat crouched and waiting to play with its owner, one of the most beautiful of God’s creatures is the cat. Big or small, roaring or purring, cats possess unique characteristics: they are meticulous groomers, they love to slink, pounce, and play, and they are independent.
The originally created canine, like all kinds of creatures, was created to reproduce after its kind. The canine genome originally created by God has provided the raw material for an innumerable variety of canines, but they are all still canines. No evolution in the molecules-to-man sense was required to produce dog diversity.
The strength of a wolf pack isn’t its numbers or the fear it inspires.
There’s more to a squirrel’s mad dash to collect nuts than meets the eye.
With their red hair and funny faces, orangutans have won a place in our hearts. But they stand out, even among apes, for other reasons too.
Watch out—this critter’s outrageous hairdo is more than a fashion statement. With a prickly exterior & a matching disposition, the secret is in the spines.
Beavers expertly engineer our waterways and landscapes—but can we work together to better steward God’s creation?
There are giants among us—giant animals, that is. God has given these incredible creatures the special features they need to live large.
When winter arrives, this fox takes off his thin summer coat and puts on a luxurious new wardrobe just for the occasion.
Dogs are always sniffing around, but it’s not because they’re always hungry. Unlike us, they interpret the world primarily through smell.
The wolverine’s fearsome features help this formidable creature survive in its harsh environment.
The variety of domestic cats and wild cats like the Sumatran and Siberian tigers display common features, impressive diversity, and God's glory.
Beavers aren’t just great dam builders. They’re specially equipped to work in the water as God’s wetland engineers.
Even the cutest critter reminds us that we live in a fallen world.
The platypus may not fit into a manmade box, but it fits perfectly in God’s design.
The next time you consider skipping a workout, remember that exercise isn’t for the birds . . . or bears.
The snow leopard survives in its frigid climate thanks to a collection of cool features.
Meerkat clans were working together in southern Africa long before Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey came on the scene.
From the giant Newfoundland to my short-legged dachshund, dogs are a pleasing reminder of our Creator’s fantastic ingenuity.
Despite living continents apart, this caravan of creatures clearly confirms the Bible’s history.
Common design doesn’t mean common ancestry—instead it points to a common Designer.
The slow loris’ large eyes have a reflective layer to help them see in almost total darkness.
The amazing design of fingerprints helps us get a good grasp on God’s Word.
A skeptical social media post is making the claim that the lesser mole-rat (one of several blind mole rats) is evidence against intelligent design.
How can a bear live on plants? Surprisingly well.
Reindeer, with their brilliant design for navigating life in a frigid home, will go down in history.
Want to race? It’s easy to see why white-tailed deer have become winners in the Americas.
It’s just as well that these unsightly creatures live underground.
Researchers studying mole-rats and the East African root rat discovered that several had pain insensitivity to different irritants (referred to as “algogens”).
The giraffe strolls on stilt-like legs, and its neck parades high in the sky. But the giraffe is no comic freak of nature. It displays divine design.
Have you heard? This little creature is all ears.
As the only true flying mammals, bats are well equipped for the hunt. Their wings can maneuver nimbly to abruptly change directions and carry them swiftly.
What a nose! If you’ve ever seen a bloodhound at work, you can’t help but be impressed.
Hiding in Indonesia’s tropical forests is one of the cutest—and most creatively designed—creatures on the planet.
You donʼt need to be an expert to appreciate the fine details that make this sleek machine run.
Bats are amazing animals that display the unlimited creativity of our God.
The colorful history of the domestic cat, filled in by the latest paleogenetic study, illustrates many fun facts that are consistent with biblical truth.
An elephant’s trunk is like a built-in multi-purpose tool. Weighing in at roughly 300 to 400 pounds, the trunk is no lightweight piece of equipment.
From an acorn-size egg hatches a creature with a duck-like bill, beaver-like tail, and reptile-like stance. It’s a bird! It’s a reptile! It’s a—platypus!
Naked mole-rats survive extreme oxygen deprivation in their crowded burrows by switching on fructose metabolizing machinery in their heart and brain cells.
Quick, can you tell the difference between an African and an Asian elephant?
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.