As we study God’s world, new scientific discoveries sometimes change what we thought we knew. Can we still explain these changes with our understanding of God’s design?
Did Moses make an error when he called a bat a bird?
Bird’s brain is no “birdbrain” but fine-tunes songs on-the-go.
Some birds don’t know when to quit, like the great frigatebird. It’s uniquely designed to stay aloft for weeks without touching the ground.
We marvel at birds in flight. But one kind of bird stands apart in its acrobatic talents, with a complex flight system unlike any other.
There’s more to this funny-looking fowl than meets the eye.
This owl reflects the brilliance of our Creator, who built into the bird’s genetic code a variety of feather colors so it could survive in our fallen world.
These absent parents, extortioners, and interlopers are a reminder of the fall. But their intelligence showcases the Creator’s brilliant design.
The peregrine falcon comes equipped with all the necessary technology to defy deadly speeds.
The valentine face of a barn owl is not just for decoration. It actually helps him find dinner.
Vultures are possibly the creepiest birds on the planet. But there is a beautiful design behind this yellow-headed vulture.
When it comes to cleverness, you can’t beat these bird brains.
The hoatzin is a very unique bird, a conglomeration of traits typical of birds, reptiles, and mammals. Its most unique features are distinctly un-birdlike.
This article will examine secular literature to rebut the claim that there are no examples of modern-type birds found in Cretaceous rock layers.
Despite all our advances with human flight, we don’t come close to matching the wonder of birds and their feathered flight.
If you were an unhatched Malleefowl chick, your life would depend on the ability of your parents to incubate their eggs between 29 to 38 degrees Celsius.
The diversity of bird egg shapes spans a wide range from spherical to elliptical with many degrees of asymmetry. Why?
In God’s wise foresight, He equipped the original penguin kind with the genetic information necessary for penguins like the emperor penguin to exist today.
Seabirds have a special gland that helps them drink seawater. Amazingly, a few other birds can develop this salt gland, as needed.
Try standing barefoot on a pile of snow and see how long you last. Ducks do it all the time and aren’t bothered. How is this possible?
Emperor penguins are among the world’s most recognizable and well-loved birds.
Discovery of placodes on reptile embryos is being seen as proof of the evolutionary connection between reptilian scales, bird feathers, and mammalian hair.
Birds are smarter than primates, according to a study published in a recent issue of PNAS.
How can we better protect athletes from concussions? A newly discovered woodpecker design may help.
Thank you, Lord, for daily reminders of your provision.
When we think of birds, we think of flight. But it appears the Creator had other plans, too.
A bird’s-eye view involves much more than the panoramic view we see from an airplane.
Researchers claim to rewind evolution of bird beaks from dinosaur snouts by blocking beak-building genes to revert embryos to their ancestral state.
We often associate “common” with “ordinary.” But there’s nothing ordinary about pigeons.
Researchers say the “big bang” of bird evolution has been mapped, revealing the history and origin of birds, but they assume all life shares a common ancestry.
The capabilities of these seafaring dive bombers are unmatched in the animal world.
The snowy egret has over thirty different strategies to catch fish.
Can walking birds trace tracks back through the sands of time and correct some false impressions of dinosaurs?
Most birds are blind to sweets. But hummingbirds are experts at telling what is sweet and even fending off fakes.
Birds flying in V formation take aeronautical engineering to new heights.
Bird posture was well-designed from the beginning to support heavy upper bodies by positioning the center of gravity over the feet.
Hummingbirds seem to have been designed specifically to defy evolution.
Before the discovery of bowerbirds’ optical effects, only humans were known to design optical illusions. But does the bowerbird possess an artistic sense like humans?
Biologists have identified the function of what were once considered vestigial structures: the wings of flightless birds.
Birds are vastly different from dinosaurs. How could one come from the other?
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.