Black Stone Seal Confirms Biblical Record
Yet another find confirms exactly what we’d expect starting with God’s Word: a beautifully carved black stone seal believed to be about 2,700 years old.
Yet another find confirms exactly what we’d expect starting with God’s Word: a beautifully carved black stone seal believed to be about 2,700 years old.
We need to judge our behavior, feelings, and what we believe against the absolute authority of God's Word.
What is the purpose of the Old Testament law?
— Ken Ham (@aigkenham) September 9, 2024
“Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith” (Galatians 3:24, KJV). We need our “schoolmaster” to understand what is right and wrong. But we have a problem called sin.
Christ’s prayer for unity seems like an impossible dream. What can Christians do to promote unity with believers who disagree on basic doctrines?
The latest installment of God’s Not Dead tackles the place of faith in politics.
This is why the gospel is for each individual and is to be proclaimed to every tribe and nation.
It’s scientifically true that all humans are the same basic skin color from a brown pigment called melanin. There are no truly black or truly white people. We are all essentially shades of brown from dark to light.
— Ken Ham (@aigkenham) September 8, 2024
In my talks, I explain how the various shades of melanin…
Responding to a listicle claiming it is wrong to interpret the Bible literally.
“Giggle for Girls” is an Australian female-only networking app that was sued by a man for barring him from using the app, even though he identifies as a woman.
Because the Muav beds were still soft less than a year after rapid burial, they formed the bending in the Matkatamiba fold. Thus, nearly 500 million years of “geologic history” can be eliminated.