The largest-known open-ocean crocodile was more than 20 feet (6 m) long and had a head the size of T. rex. Larger than modern saltwater crocodiles and even great white sharks, Plesiosuchus had flippers and a fish-like tail for swimming in the open ocean. We can only guess about the appearance of the teeth and jaws of the original created crocodile kinds.
Varieties of fossilized mastodons, mammoths, and other elephants are widely distributed across North America and around the world. Fossilization in globe-encircling sediments laid down by water point to the catastrophe of Noah’s Flood. But—praise God—life’s deliverance from judgment encourages faith in the redeeming work of Jesus Christ!
The fossil record contains super-size versions of a number of creatures, including insects such as the giant dragonfly. Since no seagull-sized dragonflies fly the skies today, many wonder why they grew so large. The idea that gigantic varieties of creatures were stressed out of existence by climate changes in the wake of the global Flood is a biblically consistent explanation.
God created dinosaurs on day six of creation, approximately 6,000 years ago. These fascinating creatures can now serve as “missionary lizards” for the gospel.
The Ice Age was home to some giant and intimidating creatures, from mammoths to saber-tooth cats to giant sloths to massive cave bears.
Scientists are working on trying to bring back a variety of extinct species, such as the woolly mammoth and Tasmanian tiger (thylacine). Will they be successful?
Unicorns—were they real? Most people immediately answer “no,” but not so fast.
Evidence suggest extinct crocodiles were herbivores, which aligns with the biblical perspective that animals were originally vegetarian.
The goal of a new start-up is to resurrect an ice-age era “woolly mammoth” by 2027. What does the Bible say about these created kinds?
Saccorhytus is, the authors believe, the oldest and simplest known deuterostome, the evolutionary forebear of all vertebrates and some invertebrates.
What is the first animal at the bottom of the fossil record? Most people think it’s in the Cambrian, among the trilobites. Not so.
Cartorhynchus lenticarpus, whose discovery was hailed last November, is being hailed as an evolutionary link, but this characterization is premature.
The fossil of a creature resembling a groundhog that lived during the time of dinosaurs has become an anomaly for evolutionists.
To think of the biblical unicorn as a fantasy animal is to demean God’s Word, which is true in every detail.
PDF DownloadLike other extinct mammals that “suddenly” appear in the fossil record, this “discovery” is no mystery but a descendant of animals God created 6,000 years ago.
Creationists point out that shared biological structures are the common designs we would expect from our common Designer.
“Little Foot” is an australopithecine (southern ape), the most complete specimen yet discovered, and some say the oldest.
Up, up, and away—this large, long-feathered microraptorine was equipped for fast flight, steep descent, and a controlled landing.
While there is nothing “transitional” about the feathers on Archaeopteryx, researchers claim new insight concerning the evolution of quill-like feathers.
It’s an evolutionary icon, a supposed transitional form between two different kinds of animals. But the certainty about Archaeopteryx is now clouded by debate.
Moby Dick’s ancient cousin was well-equipped with sonar for hunting and mapping the bottom of the sea.
Previously shrouded in mystery, Tiktaalik’s pelvis supposedly sheds new light on the evolution of ambulatory hindquarters.
“Proto-bird” or transitional form? Archaeopteryx gets its walking papers at Los Angeles conference.
Feathers are ruffled because the newest candidate for the first bird upsets the currently popular claim that Archaeopteryx was not a bird at all.
New “fresh flesh and blood” mammoth discovery animates clonal hopes.
The largest-known open-ocean crocodile was more than 20 feet (6 m) long and had a head the size of T. rex.
Well-preserved Cambrian arthropod fossils prompt a response.
A toothy robin-sized bird has been identified in the Early Cretaceous Chinese Jehol Group in northeastern China.
Ancient flying fish flew in far-flung reaches of the globe.
Cambrian critter with neural complexity comparable to modern insects surprises evolutionary scientists.
Extinct marine crocodiles resemble killer whales.
What do physicists and paleontologists have in common? When discovering God’s complex design for trilobite eyes, expertise from both fields was required.
Which whale of a tale is true?
The whale evolutionary tale takes a new twist.
Did giant insects seek or shun a high oxygen atmosphere?
The mosasaur was a marine lizard, not a whale. But like the whale, evolutionists believe it started out—ancestrally speaking—without much in the way of swimming adaptations. Over 27 million years, researchers claim it evolved into such an excellent swimming predator that it ruled the seas.
A nearly complete skeleton of the world’s biggest marsupial, the Diprotodon, was unearthed at Floraville Station in Queensland. This specimen, 6-½ feet tall and 11 feet long, is estimated to have weighed three tons.
The unicorns mentioned in the Bible are not the fairy tale creatures many people think of, but real creatures familiar to the people living in ancient times.
Once upon a time a rabbit king was buried on Minorca . . .
Cats and crocodiles may appear about as different as two vertebrates can possibly be. But a fossil found in Tanzania has traits of both.
Leviathan has at last been found—according to a broad definition of “Leviathan,” anyway.
Why do we find lots of trilobite tracks in lower rock layers, but we don’t find any trilobite fossils until higher up?
“Evolution at [w]ork,” declares National Geographic News. “[T]he evolutionary evidence we have been lacking for so long,” reports BBC News. So just what is this new fossil?
What’s so “remarkable” about the fossil preservation of a fish brain?
What was once “the world’s oldest spider” is now just a primitive version of the “web-spinning modern spider,” BBC News reports.
Forget fieldwork. The trendy new way to discover fossils is as close as your Internet browser.
T. rex, stay out of the water: the ancient giant shark megalodon had a bite far more powerful than yours!
The Monster, a partial fossil of what is presumed to be the largest known marine reptile has been found on a Norwegian island.
The strange monster is back: a snake with legs!
A team of American and British scientists has discovered a fossil frog so large it’s been dubbed “Beelzebufo,” or the “frog from hell.”
Indonesian fisherman Yustinus Lahama’s capture of a rare coelacanth fish is a reminder of the perpetual fallibility of paleontologists (and much of what they say!).
Now that the euphoria in the media has settled down on the “walking fish,” it is time to reflect upon what must surely be the biggest fish story of the decade.
PDF DownloadNow that the euphoria in the media has settled down on Tiktaalik, it is time to reflect upon what must surely be the biggest fish story of the decade.
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