Did you know that you can use your IRA to make an impact for eternity?
You can partner with us and be part of what God is doing by making a one-time cash donation. Your gift makes an impact on our ministry and in our culture.
If you’ve been blessed by the AiG ministry and want to see the truth continue to impact our culture, consider making a bequest to AiG in your will or trust.
By using a charitable lead trust, you could accomplish your goals of helping both your family and the Answers in Genesis mission during your lifetime.
As part of this effort, our planned giving service works to help our supporters become better stewards of all that God has entrusted to them.
One way to support Answers in Genesis and our mission of spreading the message of biblical authority and the gospel is with a beneficiary designation gift.
If you have a life insurance policy that has outlasted its original purpose, you can make it a gift to AiG by giving it outright or naming us as a beneficiary.
By using a Give It Twice trust, you are able to help your family and contribute to AiG’s mission to spread the gospel and the message of biblical authority.
By making a gift of your stock, you may be able to receive an income and bless Answers in Genesis.
For our US supporters, one giving opportunity, called a charitable remainder unitrust, helps AiG and you by allowing you to sell your assets tax free.
A charitable remainder unitrust is a great way of caring for yourself and your family, contributing to God’s mission, and avoiding this high tax.
This is how one couple was careful with the resources God gave them and, in their will, could be generous with family and be generous with charity.
A retirement unitrust allows you to partner with Answers in Genesis and helps us in our mission of spreading the message of biblical authority and the gospel.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.