Partnering with the Lord in His Mission

One of the exciting parts of being a Christian is the immense privilege of partnering with our Lord in His mission. We, sinful human beings redeemed by Christ’s sacrifice, are graciously given a place in God’s kingdom and are then used by God to spread the message of the gospel and help people have an encounter with the Lord. What a privilege!

One way to partner in the Lord’s mission is through the resources He has given. In particular when our American supporters make a gift to Answers in Genesis, they are able to both provide for the needs of their children and partner with us in spreading the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ and biblical authority. A charitable lead trust, funded with cash or stocks, supports us in our mission for a set number of years, with the rest of the trust value going to their children or other loved ones in the future. This charitable deduction significantly reduces the taxes that will be owed by the children or other loved ones.

Learn more about how you can partner with us in the Lord’s mission at


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