Does a Charitable Lead Trust Help You and AiG?

Are you looking for creative ways to honor the Lord with your money and leave a lasting legacy of investment in the gospel and God’s kingdom? Here is an example of how you can do just this: Luke and Candice spent many years volunteering and supporting Answers in Genesis and our projects such as the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter. They wanted to give back in a way that would help us fulfill our mission of spreading the gospel and equipping Christians to defend their faith. At the same time, they were looking for a way to care for their family in the future (1 Timothy 5:8).

After consulting their financial advisor, they decided on a charitable lead trust. They could fund the trust with cash or stock, and this trust would pay income to Answers in Genesis for a number of years with the rest of the trust value going to their children in the future. They liked this option because it allowed their children to be well cared for and allowed them to see the results of their generous gift now.

Luke and Candice were also pleased to learn that taxes on the gift to their children would be significantly reduced by the added benefit of a gift tax charitable deduction. After the income was paid to our organization, the remaining trust value would go to their family with very little tax owed.

By using a charitable lead trust, Luke and Candice could accomplish their goals of helping both their family and the Answers in Genesis mission during their lifetimes.

You can learn more about different options for giving and investing in the kingdom of God at You can also learn more about how you can personally help impact our culture and spread the gospel as we proclaim the absolute truth and authority of the Bible by volunteering at Answers in Genesis.


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