Save, Receive, and Give Through Planned Giving

We frequently receive testimonies from people across the world who have been impacted by the ministry of Answers in Genesis. For some people, AiG materials and outreaches have strengthened their faith, made them bolder and more effective witnesses for Christ, or helped them disciple their children in the Lord. For others, AiG was instrumental in bringing them to a saving knowledge of Christ. We are always thrilled to hear these stories of how God is using the ministry of AiG to touch hearts and lives around the world.

But we couldn’t do these outreaches without the faithfulness of individuals who pray, give, and volunteer. By partnering with us in these ways, these Christians are investing in the kingdom of God for eternity. One way that American supporters can partner with us is through the avenue of planned giving.

Planned Giving is exciting because it helps us accomplish our creation/gospel mission, and some planned giving options also provide you with an income and reduce your taxes.

This is a great option for you to save on high taxes, receive an income for life, and give to the ministry of Answers in Genesis.

Here’s an example of how this works in the United States. Perhaps you own a piece of property or some other asset that has appreciated in value and that you wish to sell. There is a strong possibility you will owe a high capital gains tax when you sell. To help offset this tax, you can place part of the property in a special trust called a charitable remainder unitrust. Once the property sells, the portion that was placed in the special trust generates a charitable tax deduction that you can use to offset the high taxes on the remainder of the sale. Part of the value remains in the trust where it is invested and pays income to you for your lifetime; the other portion is yours in cash.

This is a great option for you to save on high taxes, receive an income for life, and give to the ministry of Answers in Genesis. Through your generous gift, you will be helping millions of people hear the message of biblical authority and the gospel, perhaps for the first time.

Learn more about planned giving at


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