Our Maker shows that He can create immense variety from one basic body design. Like living versions of the popular Transformers, the beetles’ basic body parts can be altered to serve radically different purposes.
Ants’ advanced communication abilities enable several species of ants to maintain complex social organizations. So complex are some of these societies that they have been dubbed superorganisms. Their sophisticated networking abilities point to the Great Communicator, Jesus Christ, who designed creation to reflect His attributes (Romans 1:20).
Bees are extremely important to us, though we tend to take them for granted. Indeed, nearly one-third of the food on our plates comes from plants pollinated by bees, and honey and beeswax are multi-billion-dollar industries.
The scorpion is a vivid reminder of the Curse and the deadly consequences of our sin against a holy and just God. Scorpions rank very high on the creep scale. With their large pincers on one end, a long, curving, stinging tail on the other, their intimidating ninja pose, and their frightening name, it’s no wonder they strike fear.
The insect world displays stunning variety from butterflies to ants to beetles to bees. This variety is not the result of evolution but of God’s creativity.
Scientists have just named a brand-new species of mining bee (small bees that are very important pollinators): Andrena androfovea.
The bolas spider uses a droplet of strong adhesive on the end of a strand of silk to snag moths from midair.
Carpenter ant colonies evade zombie apocalypse because only the climbing dead become weapons of mass dispersion.
If God is good, why are some creatures so bad?
This agile flyer scoots in and out of tight spots faster than any plane Boeing or Airbus ever dreamed of.
How did disgusting parasites become part of God’s “very good” creation?
Two marvels in one: a spider that loves vegetables and a master thief, adept at nabbing golden treasures from fiercely guarded repositories.
The lowly sea snail, of all things, has a unique way of manufacturing armor from soft ingredients.
Our world is filled with the little monsters and these parasites can be pretty nasty.
Scorpions appear armed to scare and kill. Are we supposed to be afraid, or is it just our imagination?
When they work together, these insignificant insects can accomplish significant things.
Many parasitoid wasps optimize the reception for their larvae by injecting venom that disables the host insect’s immune system or changes its behavior.
Next time you’re tempted to brush away a spider web, stop to consider the engineering required . . . and the Engineer behind the engineer.
Gifted ant architects have built thriving cities on every continent—using every imaginable kind of material.
The family of giant silk moths, or Saturniidae, includes the largest—and arguably most beautiful—moths in the world.
Sometimes we’d be better off if we just kept our jaws shut. It’s a different story for the trap-jaw ant.
Ant behavior may help us save lives. Creation is overflowing with such practical ideas and possible solutions to our most vexing problems.
Spiders were designed with two versions of the dachshund gene, one essential to knee formation, but spider knees did not evolve through gene duplication.
When a parasitic wasp skewers an orb spider and glues an egg to its back, she sets off a chain of events that alters the behavior and destiny of the spider.
Every year before Christmas, a vibrant red carpet covers Christmas Island, northwest of Australia.
What’s fascinating about periodical cicadas is their sheer numbers and the mysterious timing of their emergence from hiding.
Research shows that bedbugs are still bedbugs. They don't demonstrate Darwinian evolution—they vary within their created kind to survive in a sin-cursed world.
Most people would be happy to live in a world without cockroaches. But even creatures we see as pests show God’s amazing designs.
Germophobes beware: a new study suggests that all adults have face mites. But did they follow us through evolutionary history?
This predatory beast of very little brain drove evolution of brighter brains, evolutionists say.
University of Michigan researchers believe these free-living, non-parasitic, but allergy-causing arachnids prove that reverse evolution is possible.
Scientists were shocked to discover that some stinkbugs have developed resistance to insecticide.
Convinced that genetic similarities confirm a common ancestry for two kinds of snails, researchers sought a transitional form and believe they found it.
According to researchers, garden snails are evolving slower metabolisms.
This remarkable spider shouts the wisdom of its Designer.
The Robber (or Coconut) Crab, Birgus latro, is not only the world’s largest land invertebrate, it’s also a thief that climbs trees at night and steals coconuts!
Earthworms are highly specialized creatures. They seem obviously designed for their important task of burrowing through soil.
At first glance, it looks like a caterpillar. However, on closer examination the external appearance is more like an annelid (earth) worm.
Without spiders, we would be literally suffocated out of existence, if not actually eaten alive, by all manner of bugs.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.