Dr. Jerry Bergman Articles

Latest Articles by Dr. Jerry Bergman

  • Speciation, the formation of new species, is not evolution in action. Rather, it demonstrates the incredible variety God put within each created kind.

  • How do plate tectonics and continental drift fit with the Bible’s history? Can plate tectonics help explain the global Flood?

  • The design of birds—from the delicate egg to the intricate feather to the efficient wing—all declare the praise of their wise Creator.

  • How should Christians approach cosmology? Is it a field hopelessly ruled by the secular worldview, or does it proclaim the glory of God and the truth of his Word?

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    Antworten in der Genesis

    AiG Homepage

  • Was early man truly a stone-age, lumbering brute grunting his way toward primitive language? The evidence says the opposite—early man was intelligent!

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    उत्पत्ति में जवाब

    उत्पत्ति में जवाब

  • The heavens declare the glory of God, and the brilliant beauty of countless stars certainly declares the handiwork of the Creator God.

  • Publication
    Online Books

    Our free online books are intended to equip Christians, challenge non-Christians, uphold the authority of the Bible, and advance the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Plants grow in nearly every environment and come in an amazing variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and types. These “solar machines” are marvels of design.

  • Instead of being an open platform where students can critically discuss the merits and flaws of a scientific model, education is overcome by evolutionary dogma.

  • Page

    Japanese about page

  • Opportunities to see and explore God’s amazing creation abound, whether at a national park, a Christian-themed venue, or a natural history museum.

  • What does the Bible have to say about homosexual “marriage”? How should Christians respond to the ever increasing acceptance of this behavior?

  • Many Christians try to fit millions of years and evolution into the biblical text. This compromise does great damage to the authority of the Bible.

  • Dios creó todo de manera especial en seis días literales de 24-horas. Esta creación original fue perfecta y sin pecado o muerte.

  • Video Collection
  • Is the earth unique and special, or is it just one of many similar habitable planets scattered across the universe?

  • Book Chapter

    This book is the result of years of reading and thinking about, and discussing, the origin, nature, and purpose of mathematics.


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