Bryan Osborne Bryan Osborne

Bryan Osborne

Former public school teacher, worldwide speaker, and author of Quick Answers to Tough Questions

Bryan Osborne is passionate about reaching the lost with the gospel! As an expert in the use of exciting, apologetics-based evangelism and chronological Bible teaching, this former athlete connects with audiences through real-life stories and facts that confirm the truth of the Bible.

After graduating from Bryan College with a bachelor of arts in biblical studies and minors in Greek and Christian education, Bryan earned his master’s degree in education from Lee University. For 13 years he boldly and enthusiastically taught Bible history in a public school system in Tennessee, and for 20 years he has helped youth and young adults in the local church to know and defend their faith. Bryan’s giftedness as a communicator and his passion for revealing the truth of God’s Word are obvious and contagious!

Bryan Osborne on Answers News show.

He now speaks at conferences and in churches for Answers in Genesis and has written for a blog designed to help parents and ministry leaders solve the growing epidemic of biblical illiteracy through the use of specially designed resources such as AiG’s Answers Bible Curriculum.

Bryan Osborne speaking at Answers for Pastors conference.

You will love his practical, cutting-edge talks that reveal the importance of apologetics in evangelizing the lost and equipping today’s youth and families in the body of Christ!

Bryan reports that he and his wife, Marla, have been blissfully married since 1998 and are enjoying the early years of child-rearing!

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Resources by Bryan Osborne


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  • Longview, TX
    October 27 – October 28
  • Williamstown, KY
    January 23 – January 25
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    Latest Articles by Bryan Osborne

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    Osborne, Bryan. “Now You See Me, Now You Don’t.” KidzMatter, November–December 2014. 38–40.

    Osborne, Bryan. Quick Answers to Social Issues. Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2019.

    Osborne, Bryan, and Bodie Hodge. Quick Answers to Tough Questions. Green Forest, AR: Master Books, 2017.


    • The ABC’s of ABC
    • The Age of the Earth: Trusting Man’s Ideas or God’s Word?
    • The Bible in Motion: OT
    • The Big Deal about Dinosaurs! (for grades k-5)
    • Combating Biblical Illiteracy with a Radical Idea
    • Combating Compromise with the 7 C’s of History
    • Dinosaurs and the Bible
    • Do Animals Evolve? Evolution Defined & Scripture Confirmed
    • The Evolving Ape-man—Dividing Fact from Fiction
    • The Genesis of the Gospel—Biblical Authority & Evangelism in a Secular Culture
    • Icons of Evolution: DNA, Homology, Embryology, & Vestigiality Oh My!
    • The Intermediate Intermediates
    • It’s a Young Earth After All
    • Noah’s Ark and Flood—Real History Confirmed by Real Evidence
    • One Blood One Race
    • The One True Hero—God
    • Quick Answers to Social Issues
    • Quick Answers to Tough Questions
    • Sometimes the Best Defense …
    • Tracing the Gospel through History—All of History is His-story!
    • Understanding the Times—The Relevance of Genesis
    • When Racism Becomes Justice: A Biblical Response to CRT
    • Why ABC?


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