Avery Foley Avery Foley

Avery Foley

Writer and AiG Speaker

Avery Foley is a writer and speaker for Answers in Genesis, an Answers TV personality, and Discover programs presenter for children at the Creation Museum.

She graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor of science in religion from Liberty University and a MA in theological studies from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary.

When Avery attended her first creation talk as a 12-year-old, her passion for biblical authority and apologetics was ignited. She immediately began studying everything she could and, as a teen, was giving her own creation presentations in southeastern Ontario, Canada. She joined AiG as an intern in 2014 before moving to Kentucky and coming on staff in 2016.

Avery is married to Trevor Schu and a homeschool mom to their five children. Together, Avery and Trevor write, produce, and star in children’s content for Answers TV, including Schus Off! and Building Blocks. In her free time, Avery loves baking, rereading Lucy Maud Montgomery and Jane Austen novels, and exploring God’s creation with her kids.

  • Avery Foley
  • Avery Foley
  • Schus Off! show cover

    The Schus are off on an exploration in God’s creation! Join Trevor and Avery Schu, along with their kids, as they meet some incredible creatures and discover basic creation and biblical truths. Watch on Answers.tv or buy the Season 1 DVD!

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