The radioisotope methods—long touted as irrefutably dating the earth as countless millions of years old—have repeatedly failed to give reliable and meaningful absolute ages for Grand Canyon rocks.
In the walls of the Grand Canyon, we can see that the whole horizontal sedimentary strata sequence was folded without fracturing. The only way to explain how these sandstone and limestone beds could be folded, as though still pliable, is to conclude they were deposited during the Genesis Flood, just months before they were folded.
Carbon is found in all living things. Like a Swiss Army knife, carbon is extremely versatile. Add carbon to iron, and you get steel. Add carbon to hydrogen and oxygen, and you can produce everything from alcohol to sugar and gasoline.
In one day, our infinitely wise, all-powerful Creator laid down some dirt layers 30 miles thick that are now deep in the geologic record and foundational to the landmasses we live on. These provide us with an abundance of resources, which we use to worship and serve Him for His purposes and glory.
How old is the earth? How can anyone know for sure unless a trustworthy eyewitness was there in the beginning?
Carbon, which dissipates in just tens of thousands of years, is present in diamonds and fossils! Carbon-14 calls the whole old-earth paradigm into question.
Are current, slow geologic processes the key to understanding earth’s past, or was history marked by a global, earth-shaping catastrophe?
The eerie darkness of caves hosts strange growths called stalagmites and stalactites. Caves, and their features, take millions of years to form—don’t they?
How should we interpret the geologic time scale, traditionally associated with millions of years, in light of the Bible’s history?
Was the Grand Canyon formed with a little bit of water over a long period of time or a lot of water over a little bit of time? What are the facts?
Mount St. Helens violently erupted on May 18, 1980, rapidly dispelling many false long-age notions about the formation of canyons, rock layers, and coal.
The world of geology is filled with beautiful and awe-inspiring natural formations. How did these formations get there?
How do plate tectonics and continental drift fit with the Bible’s history? Can plate tectonics help explain the global Flood?
How does radiometric dating work? Does radiometric dating prove rocks are millions or billions of years old?
Do rock layers prove the earth is billions of years old? How does what we see in the world match what we read in God’s Word?
The hidden beauty of rocks and minerals, such as diamonds, rubies, and gold, praises the creativity of the Designer and reminds us of His Flood judgment.
Under what circumstances do sand, mud, silt and clay deposits turn into rock? Could the Bible’s history shed light on this process?
Geology overwhelmingly supports the historicity of the global Flood. Sediments were rapidly deposited, forming most of the fossil-bearing rock layers.
A recent article highlighted several features of the Grand Canyon’s Tonto Group that sound rather like there was a global flood as described in Genesis!
Research has confirmed convincingly that the Grand Canyon’s layers were deposited violently during the yearlong global flood cataclysm only about 4,350 years ago.
This crimson cascade offers a majestic reminder of God’s global flood of judgment—but also of the blood of Christ who died to one day redeem our fallen world.
You can’t separate the truth about God’s work in the physical world from spiritual truths without drastic consequences.
The recent collapse of many arches is a problem for evolution.
Secular scientists see evidence of global catastrophe on Venus and Mars. So why can’t they admit the evidence on earth?
The Smoky Mountains offer much more than breathtaking vistas and vacation getaways. The hills testify to God’s creation of the world and the global Flood.
Forests in Antarctica? This frigid, forbidding continent is full of surprising evidences for the worldwide flood.
The grandeur of this rocky garden reveals the righteousness of the one true God who judged the world with a global flood, changing earth’s landscapes forever.
Creation geologists use God’s Word, which details the Creator’s eyewitness account of creation and the flood, thus providing a clearer account of the Rockies’ formation.
Conventional wisdom assumes the mud in earth’s mudrocks took millions of years to settle. What do new experiments suggest?
Unlike soil and dirt, which crumble when you pick them up, God created clay with plasticity, the ability to be molded.
Revolutionary new thinking has turned the accepted story of cave formation upside down and confirmed the Bible in the process.
Looking at this landscape through biblical glasses, we see a rainbow of evidence confirming the global flood.
Even today you can touch rocks that date all the way back to God’s original creation. What do they tell us about that lost world?
We can only imagine what happened after the Flood! Consider five major examples of catastrophes that reshaped the planet.
In a few rare spots, geologists find fossils of strange eight-foot-tall “mushrooms.” What do they tell us about the mysterious world they came from?
You can see the photos, hear the stories, and read all about the Grand Canyon, but nothing compares to being there.
For more than 100 years oil has been the “black gold” that has fueled transport vehicles and powered global economic growth and prosperity. So how does oil form, and what is its origin?
Beneath the surface of Yellowstone’s beauty lie fearful clues to the past—and a possible future.
Uniformitarian storytellers aim to interpret earth’s “Middle Age” while ignoring the only eyewitness to our planet’s catastrophic past: God.
The high and deep landscapes of earth give insight into the Creator’s wise design of rocks.
Forty years later, Mount St. Helens still teaches us lessons about the powerful forces the Creator uses to shape the earth.
How could neat uniform sedimentary rock layers be deposited during the Flood cataclysm with all the fast-moving waters?
Sometimes skeptical scientists just need to listen to what the rocks are saying.
Scientists are now suggesting that what they once thought to be the world’s oldest fossils may just be deformed rocks.
Forming the coveted qualities of jade requires unique conditions unlike anything on earth today.
When geologists assume the earth changes slowly, they overlook astonishing evidence of Noah’s global Flood.
According to God’s Word, the great Flood of Noah’s day was the most devastating catastrophe in history. Noah’s Flood ripped apart the earth. We’re not talking about boulders but whole mountains. In some places, slabs the size of cities slid dozens of miles in minutes.
The process of magma buildup, which evolutionary scientists thought would take centuries, can happen in mere decades or even years.
According to science textbooks, a series of rock layers covers the earth, representing many eras over “millions of years.” Are these charts accurate?
Diamonds are dazzling but definitely not “forever.” In fact, they wouldn’t exist without special conditions that God provided.
At today’s rate of ocean-floor buildup, chalk layers would take millions of years to form. How do creationists explain them?
Mountains and breathtaking valleys adorn our planet. Each one speaks of God’s handiwork, but they were formed by water and ice in judgment, not creation.
The Flood is impossible because one of the Grand Canyon’s layers was deposited in a desert. Or so evolutionists claim. Do the facts back them up?
Secluded in the canyon country of southern Utah is a beautiful but often overlooked state park called Kodachrome Basin.
Slot canyons, like this one in Arizona’s world-famous Antelope Canyon, are hidden just below the desert surface, waiting to delight our eyes.
The eruption of Mount St. Helens 35 years ago provided an amazing opportunity for scientists to study the effects of catastrophe.
The guides at Creation Encounter tours haven’t missed the opportunity God gave them in the Pacific Northwest.
Explore stunning evidence consistent with the young-earth model for the earth’s geomagnetic polarity reversal during the Flood and its aftermath.
Zircons may hint at a story about the early earth, but only with the help of God’s Word.
Like every other rainbow, China’s Rainbow Mountain was formed by water.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.