Mathew Piercy Articles

Latest Articles by Mathew Piercy

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    Answers In Genesis Italiano

    Answers In Genesis Italiano

  • How should Christians approach cosmology? Is it a field hopelessly ruled by the secular worldview, or does it proclaim the glory of God and the truth of his Word?

  • Was early man truly a stone-age, lumbering brute grunting his way toward primitive language? The evidence says the opposite—early man was intelligent!

  • The heavens declare the glory of God, and the brilliant beauty of countless stars certainly declares the handiwork of the Creator God.

  • Is the earth unique and special, or is it just one of many similar habitable planets scattered across the universe?

  • What does the Bible have to say about homosexual “marriage”? How should Christians respond to the ever increasing acceptance of this behavior?

  • 生物が想像を絶する多様性に富んでいることにはいつも驚かされる。

  • ジカ熱、これはまさにパニックの要因となる最新のウイルスである。

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    Online Books

    Our free online books are intended to equip Christians, challenge non-Christians, uphold the authority of the Bible, and advance the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  • Does the doctrine of original sin stand or fall on the historicty of Genesis, Adam and Eve, the perfect creation, and the Fall of mankind?

  • ¿Quién es Dios? ¿Será el Creador? ¿Es el responsable por la muerte y sufrimiento en el mundo? ¿Y qué de Jesucristo, Satanás, ángeles y demonios?

  • Evolution is often presented as a fact proven by science. If this is true, there should be mountains of evidence supporting evolution—but is there?

  • The Book of Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It was named by the Septuagint (LXX) translators because it gives an account of the origin of all things.

  • Video Collection
  • Disease, an enemy in a once-perfect creation, does not provide evidence of evolution but rather shows the destructive and often deadly effects of sin.

  • Opportunities to see and explore God’s amazing creation abound, whether at a national park, a Christian-themed venue, or a natural history museum.

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    Απαντήσεις στην Γένεση

    Answers in Genesis Ελληνικά

  • The sun, a star situated the perfect distance from earth to supply needed heat and light, shows evidence of special design by a loving Creator.

  • Just Be Good for Goodness’ Sake: Is Being Good Good Enough?

    Why should we be good? Without God, is there any reason why anyone should be good? And who defines what is right or good, anyway?

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  • Great diversity exists within the mammal group. From koalas to deer to bats to primates to whales to cheetahs, mammals declare the glory of their Creator.

  • Many Christians try to fit millions of years and evolution into the biblical text. This compromise does great damage to the authority of the Bible.

  • What Will You Do with Dinosaurs?

    Few creatures have captured popular imagination as fully as dinosaurs. Where did they come from? When did they live? What happened to them? Can we ever know?


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