What’s available is what kids will use to explain their faith to friends.
This issue of Answers is a special double-issue!
Although the Bible is filled with sadness, it is also filled with hope!
Until it’s behind us, we don’t recognize the moment we could have seized to excite a teachable mind.
Do you have a relative who stands out for her generositiy and Christlike character?
Christians won’t be effective if we forget the basics.
Neither mom nor I can remember my age, but we both remember that rock!
The main theme of this issue—the wonders of the human body—took on joyful significance for my wife and me recently.
Sunday school is often the place of stories. Monday-through-Friday school is the place of facts.
When it comes to family vacations, I often enjoy the trip even more than the destination.
Compromise on God's Word was Darwin's response. And look where it got him.
Each one of us has an opportunity to share the wonders of the Creator.
We all have communication challenges from time to time.
My wife has an uncle who—from my earthbound perspective—needs this issue of Answers.
This issue of Answers contains a wide array of Creator-honoring information.
Last fall we released Evolution Exposed, a book that had our shipping department sending out over 20,000 copies in three weeks!
Late in 1989 the world changed. The “wall” that had separated east from west crumbled—both symbolically and in actual fact.
I recently had the amazing opportunity to meet with Christians in the People’s Republic of China.
As a former radical Muslim who was heavily involved in the Iranian fundamentalist revolution, Daniel Shayesteh was once committed to exterminating Jews, Christians, and other “infidels.”
Those big feet on the cover actually belong to someone quite small—someone who will soon learn to crawl, and then walk, and eventually run headlong into a culture saturated with unbiblical beliefs.
Fall is a glorious season, especially for an Illinois boy like me!
We welcome you to the inaugural issue of Answers, a truly unique new magazine.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.