Dinosaurs were created by God on day six of creation, approximately 6,000 years ago. Dinosaurs were originally vegetarian. During the global flood, many were buried and fossilized, but two of each kind survived on Noah’s ark. Dinosaurs eventually died out due to human activity, climate changes, or other factors.
Evolutionists claim dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. But it is important to realize that when they dig up a dinosaur bone, it does not have a label attached showing its date. The Bible states that God made the land animals, including dinosaurs, on day six (Genesis 1:24–25), so they date from around 6,000 years ago.
Hypsilophodon foxii was one of the first dinosaurs discovered in 1849.
Tyrannosaurus rex, first described in 1905, this “tyrant lizard king” still holds the crown as the largest and most fearsome terrestrial predator ever discovered in North America.
The sauropods (“lizard feet”) included the largest land animals in history.
A newly uncovered dinosaur, Albertaceratops nesmoi, had horns about three–feet long (located right above its eyebrows).
As you add up all of the dates in the Bible, you’ll come to the conclusion that the creation of the earth and animals, including the dinosaurs, occurred only thousands of years ago, not millions of years ago. Thus, if the Bible is right (and it is!), dinosaurs must have lived within the past few thousands of years.
Two great creatures, Behemoth and Leviathan, are described by God in Job. Some commentators have suggested behemoth was an elephant or hippo, but the description simply doesn’t match (e.g., behemoth “moves his “tail like a cedar”). It appears God is describing a sauropod dinosaur and a fearsome now-extinct sea creature.
Though technically not a dinosaur but rather a marine reptile that may have also been able to come up onto land (Job 41:25 and 30), Leviathan can correctly be called a "dragon" which includes terrestrial, aquatic, and aerial reptiles.
In the biblical book of Job, God challenges Job by questioning his ability to capture Leviathan and make it his servant (Job 41:1–4). Leviathan is not a creature that little children can play with (Job 41:5) and is too large for traders to sell (Job 41:6).
God reminds Job that if a man is even thinking of capturing Leviathan with harpoons or fishing spears, then he needs to consider the battle that will take place (Job 41:7–8). If he does engage in battle with Leviathan, it will be the first and only time. Leviathan cannot be subdued by any man: this is a false hope, as he “is laid low even at the sight of him” (Job 41:9).
Biblical creationists believe that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time because God said that he created man and land animals on day six. There is historical evidence of dinosaurs and man living together, such as the petroglyph in Natural Bridges, Utah, legends and stories of dragons in Europe, and the dragon motif in China. But one striking artifact in Asia is the bas-relief picture of a dinosaur in the ruins of Angkor outside of Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Dr. Mary Schweitzer and her team caught the world’s attention with a Science paper in 2005 that described intact blood vessels and red blood cells in a T. rex bone. But in fact, secular scientists have been reporting soft tissue in dinosaurs for decades in sometimes seldom-read technical literature.
In Genesis 6:19–20, the Bible says that two of every sort of land vertebrate (seven or seven pairs of the “clean” animals) were brought by God to the ark. Therefore, dinosaurs (land vertebrates) were represented on the ark.
Although there are about 668 names of dinosaurs, there are perhaps only 55 different “kinds” of dinosaurs. Furthermore, not all dinosaurs were huge like the Brachiosaurus, and even those dinosaurs on the ark were probably “teenagers” or young adults.
Ancient historians and writers clearly believed creatures like dragons were real. They describe seeing them first hand—often in the context of other types of animals that still live today. Some historians even describe the fiery flying serpents as real creatures in regions near where Moses and Isaiah were and point out the winged nature of these flying serpents. Such things are a great confirmation of the biblical text.
Having a true bird appear in the fossil record before alleged feathered dinosaurs, no mechanism to change scales into feathers, no mechanism to change a reptilian respiratory system into an avian respiratory system, and no legitimate dinosaurs found with feathers are all good indications that dinosaurs didn’t turn into birds. The evidence is consistent with what the Bible teaches about birds being unique and created after their kinds.
Genesis is clear that God didn’t make birds from pre-existing dinosaurs. In fact, dinosaurs (land animals made on day six) came after winged creatures made on day five, according to the Bible. Both biblically and scientifically, chicken-eaters around the world can rest easy—they aren’t eating mutant dinosaurs.
Television programs, thousands of books, and countless hours of research by thousands of qualified scientists have been devoted to studying dinosaurs. Is there an answer to their “mystery”? Sadly, many of the materials produced on the topic of dinosaurs teach parents and children evolutionary ideas and lead them away from believing the Bible.
After Noah’s flood, around 4,300 years ago, the remnant of the land animals, including dinosaurs, came off the ark and lived in the present world, along with people. Because of sin, the judgments of the curse in Eden and the flood of Noah’s day have greatly changed earth over the past 6,000 years. Post-flood climatic change, lack of food, disease, and man’s activities caused many types of animals to become extinct. The dinosaurs, like many other creatures, died out.
As Christians, we can use dinosaurs as “missionary lizards.” We can take what is popular with the culture and show how God’s Word explains it better. For example, soft tissue, like blood vessels and red blood cells, has been found in dinosaur bones. This soft tissue couldn’t last millions of years. The fossils confirm a young earth. We can use dinosaurs to help people trust the history of the Bible and also trust in the message of Jesus Christ that is also found in God’s Word.
The presence of soft tissue in dinosaur bones cries out for a young earth, not for millions of years. These not-so-dry bones support the Bible’s history!
An aura of mystery surrounds the extinction of the dinosaurs supposedly 65 million years ago—or does it? The Bible provides the true answer!
Dinosaur bones aren’t the only artifacts left behind by these creatures. Fossilized footprints point toward the watery cataclysm that buried the dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs enthrall society, and many movies are produced to feed this fascination. But how much of these movies is fact and how much is evolutionary fiction?
Contrary to popular evolutionary opinion, the magnificent dinosaurs, created on the same day as Adam and Eve, recently lived and walked with humans.
Echoes of dinosaur and human cohabitation still resound around the world in dragon legends and myths.
Did birds really evolve from dinosaurs? How should Christians understand the numerous claims of feathered dinosaurs used to support this idea?
Triceratops to T. rex, the many types of dinosaurs exhibit a great deal of variety. The design of these great reptiles calls out for a Creator.
Did dinosaurs live millions of years ago, or have these impressive creatures existed much more recently? Could some even be alive today?
A recent news article discussed research on how dinosaurs survived the end-Triassic/early-Jurassic mass extinction.
A recent discovery of the fossilized contents of a “teenage” tyrannosaur’s stomach gives researchers a glimpse into exactly what these massive reptiles ate.
According to a recent study, humans don’t live to 200 years old any longer because of dinosaurs.
Few creatures have captured popular imagination as fully as dinosaurs. Where did they come from? When did they live? What happened to them? Can we ever know?
Are dinosaurs proof of millions of years of evolution? Or a reminder of God’s glory?
Cratonavis zhui is an alleged link between dinosaurs and birds.
Examining creationist arguments about the relationship between birds and dinosaurs
The evolutionary “family tree” that ties all dinosaurs together was recently redrawn. What bigger questions does this raise?
This article is a warning to Christians to be discerning when it comes to accepting creationist research, just as we would be with other research.
Imagine dinosaurs living with people. It’s the only reasonable conclusion if the Bible is true.
Job 41 certainly describes Leviathan as a real creature that only the God of creation could master.
Putting together the pieces of this puzzle points to the cataclysmic events of the global flood.
Did this 7.5-mile-wide asteroid really kill off the dinosaurs as secular scientists claim?
The hoatzin is a very unique bird, a conglomeration of traits typical of birds, reptiles, and mammals. Its most unique features are distinctly un-birdlike.
Dinosaurs and lagerpetids (their supposed evolutionary ancestors) have been found fossilized together, indicating they lived at the same time.
Hardly a month passes without new reports of “soft tissue” discovered in fossils. Could this material last millions of years?
For decades, dinosaurs have troubled Christians who didn’t know how to explain them from the Bible.
Scientists were hoping for insight into why so many fossilized dinosaurs are buried in rock appearing to be in what’s been called the “throes of death” posture.
How does cowboy life intersect with creation? Dinosaurs.
Researchers claim to rewind evolution of bird beaks from dinosaur snouts by blocking beak-building genes to revert embryos to their ancestral state.
Evolutionists have come to largely accept the fact that soft tissues can be preserved in fossils for an extraordinarily long time. But millions of years . . . ?
Many scientists today have accepted the idea that some dinosaurs were covered in feathers. Is Jurassic World wrong for opting for scaly bodies?
The God of creation owns it all and He wins!
It doesn’t take much to understand why creationists love dinosaurs.
Massive Dreadnoughtus said to shed light on the evolution of gigantism.
Evolutionists surround us, lobbing their ideas about millions of years and slow processes, trying to knock us out of the game.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.