Warwick Armstrong Articles

Latest Articles by Warwick Armstrong

  • How should Christians view or celebrate traditional holidays such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter?

  • Is natural selection, which uses existing information leading to varations in organisms, proof of information-adding, molecules-to-man evolution?

  • Contrary to the popular cry that “science has proven evolution as fact,” the scientific facts themselves argue against evolution.

  • Theistic evolution, the idea that God used evolution to create life, poses great danger to the gospel, the Bible’s authority, and the character of the Creator.

  • The Bible claims to be written by God—through human authors—but can we trust it as error-free and authoritative on everything it touches?

  • Charles Darwin, famed author of Origin of Species, is remembered as the man who popularized evolution. Have the last 200 years of research proved his ideas?

  • The evolutionary timeline of millions of years is not compatible with the Bible or with the scientific evidence.

  • The genealogies of the Bible are used to construct a biblical chronology and timeline of 6,000 years, but can these genealogies be trusted?

  • How should we read the Bible to ensure that we arrive at the correct interpretation?

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  • The oceans—filled with incredible creatures like jellyfish, starfish, dolphins, seals, crabs, coral reefs, and octopuses—declare the majesty of their Creator.

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    News to Know
  • Book Chapter
    Sept. 27, 2016 from L’évolution : Le Mensonge
  • How can an all-powerful, loving God allow suffering and death?

  • How could distant starlight from millions of light years away reach earth if the universe is only around 6,000 years old, as the Bible reveals?

  • Intelligent Design, with its arguments for irreducible complexity, seems like a good alternative to the evolutionary worldview, but is the ID movement Christian?

  • Genesis 1 reveals that God’s original creation was “very good.” Death and suffering are the result of Adam’s sin—we can’t blame God for it.

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  • How can people be made right with God? And how can Christians please God in both the seemingly mundane decisions and in the serious choices of life?


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