R Rushdoony Articles

Latest Articles by R Rushdoony

  • The diversity and streamlined design of fish and sharks testifies to the God of creation, not to the mindless process of evolution.

  • Jeremy loves soccer! Now he may have to choose between two different teams. Find out how God helps Jeremy make the right decision.

  • This unique museum boasts over 14,000 mammal specimens, including the world´s largest elephant skeleton in the world, the Imperial mammoth.

  • The Pylant Family embraces the gospel in each song and testimony they share. There is no doubt that this family group has a heart for people and for the Lord.

  • Astronomy is the science that deals with the heavens, the stars, the planets, the moon and the sun. Astronomy shows God’s glory and strength!

  • In this colorful novel, your whole family will learn what life was like during the Ice Age after the Flood. Packed full of scientific facts that can be used to defend creation and the Flood, and oppose evolution. Read through this book as a devotional with your children!

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    IRA Charitable Distribution Gifts

    Looking for a way to make a big difference? If you’re 70½ or older then a charitable distribution from your IRA may be a great way to partner with us.

  • Pierwszy rozdział Księgi Rodzaju dziesięciokrotnie powtarza, że Bóg stworzył stworzenia oddzielnie, według różnych „rodzajów” (mîn).

  • Is the earth unique and special, or is it just one of many similar habitable planets scattered across the universe?

  • This eye-opening volume deals with many Eastern religions like Hinduism, Taoism, New Age, Sikhism, Confucianism, Shinto, and Buddhism, as well as other pagan-based systems.

  • Do fossils really require millions of years to form? The evidence shouts no! A lot of water and a little bit of time rapidly laid down the fossil record.

  • Dinosaur bones aren’t the only artifacts left behind by these creatures. Fossilized footprints point toward the watery cataclysm that buried the dinosaurs.

  • At last! An information-packed dinosaur book based on the authority of the Bible! Ken Ham, in his own distinct and understandable teaching style, explains how to understand the big picture of earth’s history… from a biblical perspective.

  • Dr. Jason Lisle is a Christian astrophysicist who researches issues pertaining to science and the Christian faith.

  • Video Collection
    Creation Videos

  • ¿Será la Biblia simplemente un libro anticuado empolvado de contradicciones y mitos, o es la revelación verdadera de la historia del Dios omnisciente?

  • Article Series
    A Tour of the Creation Museum Series

    Journey through earth’s true history at the Creation Museum with its beautiful gardens and nature trails, petting zoo, animatronic dinosaurs, and much more.

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  • Tony is a missionary/evangelist to those caught in New Religious Movements, especially Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons.

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  • Adults and children alike are fascinated by Egyptian civilization. But most modern archaeologists have lately tried to use Egyptian chronology to dispute the biblical record. Secular textbooks and videos challenge the faith of students and discredit the biblical account of Exodus. Those who wish to defend the accuracy of the Bible now have an incredible tool in this exciting book that provides compelling confirmation of the biblical account.


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