Britt Beemer Articles

Resources by Britt Beemer

Latest Articles by Britt Beemer

  • Opportunities to see and explore God’s amazing creation abound, whether at a national park, a Christian-themed venue, or a natural history museum.

  • God has commanded man to be a good steward of the earth that He entrusted to us. In a time of almost cultish concern for the earth, how do Christians respond?

  • Tony is a missionary/evangelist to those caught in New Religious Movements, especially Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons.

  • Costi Hinn graduated from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, serves as a pastor, and is the author of several books.

  • A trip to the Denver Museum of Science and Nature can be a great time to teach your family or other Christians how to distinguish facts from interpretations.

  • The heavens declare the glory of God, and the brilliant beauty of countless stars certainly declares the handiwork of the Creator God.

  • Dr. Diana Lynn Severance, a frequent writer on Christian history, received her PhD in history from Rice University and is the director of the Dunham Bible Museum at Houston Baptist University.

  • Rev. Jason Carlson is the president of Christian Ministries International, an organization devoted to evangelism and equipping Christians to share their faith.

  • A clone is a genetically identical copy of a living organism. What about cloning humans? Should Christians view the cloning of animals differently than humans?

  • Do fossils really require millions of years to form? The evidence shouts no! A lot of water and a little bit of time rapidly laid down the fossil record.

  • Numerous cultures across the globe contain myths and legends relating to the creation of the world.

  • This free zoo currently houses over 18,000 animals and is a world leader in wildlife conservation and endangered species protection.

  • Home to five national parks, few vacation destinations are more versatile than the Black Hills of South Dakota.

  • Tony Perkins is Family Research Council’s (FRC) fourth and longest-serving president, having joined the organization in August 2003.

  • Evolutionists have made some pretty incredible admissions about the nature of evolution, science, and evidence that actually supports the biblical account.

  • The Fossils Hall in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. includes many real dinosaur fossils—not copies—on display.

  • Justin is committed to the expositional preaching of God’s Word. Justin has a Master of Divinity with Biblical Languages and a Master of Theology from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.

  • Landing Page
  • How do we properly raise our children in the training and instruction of the Lord so that they will grow into godly adults?

  • In a quiet pond somewhere on early earth, the many complex chemicals necessary for life came together to produce the first living cell—or did they?

  • Page
    Map and directions

    Map and directions to Creation Museum and AiG–U.S. headquarters

  • One popular interpretation of Genesis 1 shoehorns a millions-of-years gap between verses 1 and 2. Is this a valid interpretation?

  • At last! An information-packed dinosaur book based on the authority of the Bible! Ken Ham, in his own distinct and understandable teaching style, explains how to understand the big picture of earth’s history… from a biblical perspective.


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