Latest Articles by Dr. Andrew A. Snelling

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  • Tony is a missionary/evangelist to those caught in New Religious Movements, especially Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons.

  • Doreen graduated with a master’s degree in biblical and theological studies from Western Seminary in 2021, and she holds a BA and MA in counseling psychology from Chapman University.

  • One of the world´s most spectacular caves is Carlsbad Caverns in southeastern New Mexico, USA.

  • ¿Será la Biblia simplemente un libro anticuado empolvado de contradicciones y mitos, o es la revelación verdadera de la historia del Dios omnisciente?

  • Does our growing understanding of animal genetics support evolutionary principles or special creation by a caring, intelligent Designer as the Bible proclaims?

  • In addition to outdoor adventure and beauty, this park is a great place to learn about how mountains were formed from rock layers at the end of the global Flood.

  • After animals came off the Ark following the Flood and spread across the earth, they established complex migratory patterns that continue to puzzle scientists.

  • One of the most asked questions by skeptics and Christians alike is, “Where did Cain get his wife?” Genesis provides the simple answer!

  • Is Anyone out There?

    Among the innumerable galaxies of our universe are various planets, some similar in shape and size to Earth. Could some of these distant planets harbor life?

  • If God Doesn’t Matter to Him, Do You?

    There are consequences to the unquestioned evolutionary belief of humans as mere products of survival of the fittest, rather than beings made in God’s image.

  • Mount St. Helens violently erupted on May 18, 1980, rapidly dispelling many false long-age notions about the formation of canyons, rock layers, and coal.

  • According to the view of theistic evolution, God started the process of evolution and guided and steered it over millions of years. As an information scientist, Werner Gitt critically analyzes and rejects the assumptions and consequences of the doctrine of theistic evolution.

  • Dios creó todo de manera especial en seis días literales de 24-horas. Esta creación original fue perfecta y sin pecado o muerte.

  • Fossils are the rocky remains of dead plants and animals that were buried during Noah’s Flood about six thousand years ago.

  • Fascinating rock layers that give testimony to the biblical account of the global Flood are found along this spectacular coastline.

  • Karina Altman is the Zoo Content Manager at Answers in Genesis. She earned a BS in Marine Biology from Texas A&M University and an MA in biology from Miami University.

  • Do you have answers to the big questions about the Christian faith, evolution, creation, and the biblical worldview? Now you get the important information you need regarding the existence of God, global warming and climate change, cloning and stem cells, human and chimp DNA, the importance of Mount St. Helens, and more.

  • One popular interpretation of Genesis 1 shoehorns a millions-of-years gap between verses 1 and 2. Is this a valid interpretation?

  • Home to five national parks, few vacation destinations are more versatile than the Black Hills of South Dakota.

  • Do fossils really require millions of years to form? The evidence shouts no! A lot of water and a little bit of time rapidly laid down the fossil record.


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