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Answers News is designed to help Christians think biblically about what they hear and see in popular culture, pointing people back to the authority of God’s Word in every area of their lives.
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Creation Museum and Ark Encounter give God-honoring alternatives to other destination attractions.
Vogue suggests new parents are guilty of “environmental vandalism” for having children and doesn't acknowledge that climate alarmism is rejected by some left-leaning pols.
Though the author is unclear about the exact fruit in Genesis 3, we do know it was a real fruit, growing on a real tree, eaten by an actual couple in history.
The Equality Act is for anything but “equality”—it’s for destroying freedom of religion and freedom of conscience in this nation.
We just released 55 videos from the Billy Graham organization to stream on Answers TV—accessible now.
The expected quarantine baby boom didn’t happen, likely a symptom of low views of family, children, and sexuality which are not based in the Bible.
Fictional “Equiterra” envisions a progressive utopia, with gender equality and no “toxic masculity”—but does not present Jesus as Lord and the source of human freedom.
How polar ice sheets developed after the global flood and why ice cores don’t tell us how to address climate change.
America is in a mess spiritually, morally, and politically. How should we understand what is happening? Should our emphasis be one of trying to save America?
How some evolutionists are pushing for “elephant rights” against the better judgment of the courts and the Word of God.
William Lane Craig has done much good for the church, but he has strayed far from the truth on the question of origins.
The atheistic outlook of an evolutionary worldview cannot account for gratitude, but Christians can and should be thankful this Thanksgiving.
Some geneticists have postulated how DNA could have evolved complete with a “story” based on low free energy and high free energy codons.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.