Top Articles on Answers in Genesis from 2020

The most popular topics published (or republished) in 2020 on sorted by pageviews reveals an interesting content trend from the year.

by Brandon Clay on December 18, 2020

The content team at Answers in Genesis publishes something every day on our website. Depending on the week, we could be writing something on evolution or euthanasia in the Netherlands—there are a lot of things to cover on any given week!

The following list contains some of our most popular articles sorted by pageviews from website analytics.

There are some articles that really resonate with our audience. The following list contains some of our most popular articles sorted by pageviews from website analytics. This is only a list of English-language articles, though many of our Spanish-language articles also received much attention. Without further introduction, here they are.

Popular Articles from 2020

  1. Coronavirus: A Biblical & Practical Perspective (Published 3/6/20)
    Dr. Andrew Fabich of Truett McConnell University graciously allowed us to reprint his blog as a preliminary scientific response in the early days, right before the US lockdowns.
  2. Where Was the Garden of Eden? (Republished 7/17/20)
    God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Most Bible commentaries state the Garden of Eden was in the Middle East, but what does Scripture tell us?
  3. COVID-19—a Biblical Plague? (Published 3/20/20)
    We explored COVID-19 in light of biblical plagues and whether this coronavirus qualifies as a judgment from God.
  4. Ark Encounter and Creation Museum Temporarily Closed (Published 3/15/20)
    Because of efforts to contain COVID-19, the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum were temporarily closed. The Kentucky governor decided state tourist attractions and other public gatherings would not reopen until summer 2020.
    NOTE: The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum attractions reopened back in June 2020 and have remained open since then.
  5. Satan and the Origin of Evil (Republished 10/27/20)
    Christians are often asked questions about Satan: Who is he? Was he created? When was he created? So we provided answers from our New Answers Book 2 for our web readers.
  6. Teachers Worry “Dangerous” Parents Might Overhear Classroom Discussions (Published 8/17/20)
    A secularist teacher was “caught” worrying that parents may question his classroom brainwashing efforts, showcasing the need for parental involvement.
  7. Should Christians Support Black Lives Matter? (Published 7/14/20)
    Should Christians use the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter and support the group behind it? Our friends at Living Waters released a video answering that question.
  8. Is Coronavirus a Sign of the End Times? (Published 5/6/20)
    We are living in uncertain times. As the world ground to a halt amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, questions still abound about the future. But we have seen this before. Remember, there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9–11).
  9. What Was God Doing Before Creation? (Republished 7/26/20)
    One reason people give for rejecting a young universe is that they think it somehow limits God. After all, what was he doing all that time before creation?
  10. Light Before the Sun (Republished 9/1/20)
    We addressed how biblical apologists have historically understood the source of light before the sun was created in Genesis 1.

Major Trend in 2020: Coronavirus

Many of the top articles were related to coronavirus or what God might be saying through the COVID-19 experience.

In 2020, unsurprisingly coronavirus was especially interesting to our readers. Many of the top articles were related to coronavirus or what God might be saying through the COVID-19 experience. In other words, our readers wanted to know more about coping in a world affected by this outbreak.

It makes sense. This year has not been like every other year. In 2020, our world endured a global pandemic, hundreds of thousands of deaths related to COVID-19, widespread business and school shutdowns, and daily disruptions to our lives from grocery shopping to church.

Application: God’s Faithfulness in a Pandemic

Though much has changed across the world, one thing hasn’t changed: God’s faithfulness. No matter what the news cycle may be or what new restriction a governor enacts, God is still in charge and he cares for his people. As Christians, we will continue to trust him whether or not an effective COVID-19 treatment is found.

In Noah’s time, the world also endured a far worse, global catastrophe through the flood. God destroyed “every living thing that was on the face of the ground” (Genesis 7:23). That was bad. And yet, at the end of that global judgment, God reminded Noah’s family of his concern for them and for humanity.

And when the Lord smelled the pleasing aroma, the Lord said in his heart, “I will never again curse the ground because of man, for the intention of man’s heart is evil from his youth. Neither will I ever again strike down every living creature as I have done. While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” (Genesis 8:21–22)
Up to the present, we continue to enjoy God’s fulfilled promise to Noah about the world.

Up to the present, we continue to enjoy God’s fulfilled promise to Noah about the world. We haven’t seen another global flood since that time. “[S]eedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night” have not stopped. God has remembered his promise.

If God can remember a promise given over 4,300 years ago to Noah’s family, we can trust him today. No matter what happened during 2020 or what will happen in 2021, we can believe God can and will accomplish his perfect will (Isaiah 46:9–10) and fulfill his promises to preserve his people (Psalm 37:28)—pandemic or not.


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