Genesis 1 repeats ten times that God created creatures separately according to various “kinds.” Today’s species show the potential variation that God designed within the original kinds, but this variety remains limited—cats are still cats, and dogs are dogs.
The current system of classification is based on the pioneering work of the creation scientist Carolus Linnaeus. He eventually taught that new organisms that arose were all derived from the primae speciei (original kinds) and were a part of God’s original plan because He placed the potential for variation in the original creation. Modern biblical creationists still use the concept.
The desire to classify modern creatures—based on the original created kinds—has spawned a new field of biology known as baraminology. Is there any way for a scientist to identify the original kinds that Adam named?
The whole range of canids, from domesticated dogs to wolves to jackals and beyond, constitutes the diversified members of the original “dog” kind.
This extinct frog species, preserved in amber for us to find today, is just another example of God’s limitless creativity.
We typically think of blood as red, but six lizard species in Papua New Guinea bleed green, not red. A new study claims this green blood evolved four times.
By studying the diversity of animals on Noah’s ship, we can understand how many creatures were destroyed in the flood and how so few animals repopulated the earth with the variety we enjoy today.
Forget evolution’s tree of life. God made an entire orchard of “kinds” all at once.
Beneath Noah’s Ark illustrations and toys is a faulty assumption that the creatures on Noah’s Ark looked like the ones we see today.
The major remaining question is how tens of thousands of species could arise in a few thousand years.
We need to know how these Ark ancestors can multiply fast enough to generate enough bodies to possess these new traits.
Male and female animals were on board Noah’s Ark to reproduce after the Flood. This has profound ramifications for identifying what the kinds looked like.
Could there be enough variation in two created human beings to produce all the variation among human beings we see today?
As researchers sequence the DNA of more organisms, they find species (like the red wolf) they called unique physically are not so unique genetically.
The first high-quality sequence of the cat genome has yielded some answers to why cats condescend to grace ordinary human beings with their companionship.
While there is a straightforward answer, the issue of animal “kinds” is crucial to grasp when answering common objections concerning Noah and the Ark.
How many animals were on Noah’s Ark? Your answer depends on whether you prefer “lumping” or “splitting.”
God designed “man’s best friend” to produce a vast array of types, each with a suite of traits just right for a special need.
How could Noah have fit all those animals into his big ship? How could only he and seven other people have cared for them?
DNA from an ancient horse’s foot suggests horses have been horses for a long time.
From the creation account, it is clear that all living beings were created in clearly separate groups—each according to its kind.
If God finished creating on Day Six, why did so many varieties of animals and plants appear after Creation Week?
Is it a jackal or a wolf—or just another reminder of an original created “dog” kind?
While structures found in fossilized penguin feathers make evolutionists reconsider their ideas about these early aquatic birds, creationists can enjoy the variety God has put within this fascinating animal kind.
Although baraminologists have noted that their conclusions are tentative, this fact is not emphasized enough.
If creationists accept “descent with modification” as a natural process, how are we any different from evolutionists?
Today’s species show the potential variation that God designed within the original kinds, but this variety remains limited—cats are still cats, and dogs are dogs.
Darwin’s ideas about species, when put to the test, have run into insurmountable hurdles.
PDF DownloadWhat can the lowly crustacean teach about genetic diversity? Quite a bit, as it turns out.
PDF DownloadGiving names to things seems to be a very important part of God's plan.
PDF DownloadDNA tests have confirmed that a grizzly bear father and polar bear mother have produced what some people are calling a “pizzly.”
Whether it’s the answer to “which came first: the chicken or the egg?” or the corollary answer to that classic riddle “why did the chicken cross the road?” Darwin’s answer to the origin of the chicken was wrong.
Scientists worldwide have begun work on an online catalog of the world’s 1.8 million known species, known as the “Encyclopedia of Life.”
Scientists from the U.S., Germany, and Switzerland have “calculated the date at which the African and the Asian elephant went their separate ways”—supposedly some 7.6 million years ago.
Classification systems are used to help us organize and study living things.
Creationists understand that the classification category of species is not the same as the Genesis kind.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.