Because of technology, students have a great respect for what is called science. But to them the Bible is just an outdated religious book.
Over the next few days in my homeland of Australia, atheists are converging from around the world in the city of Melbourne for what many of the organizers are calling a “celebration of atheism.”
Recent generations have been brought up to see the Bible as a book that contains many interesting stories and religious teaching, but has no connection to reality.
We are engaged in a war of worldviews. Secular humanism is fighting tooth and nail against biblical Christianity for the hearts and minds of our children.
Not only was Professor (“Prof”) John Rendle-Short a world-reknowned researcher, he was also dedicated to the creation-gospel message.
Hidden away in the stunning imagery and the evolutionary, pantheistic message of Avatar is the reminder of one special tree—and humanity’s need for God.
Ken Ham was once asked, “What are you really trying to do here? What’s your real motivation?” He’s not ashamed to share it.
I am thrilled to update our ministry friends with the results of the online year-end giving campaign for 2009.
A need for a new reformation is evident, both for our culture and for the church. We must return to the Bible as our absolute authority.
On this Christmas Day, Ken Ham asks that you consider the magnitude of Christ’s sacrifice.
You may be surprised how humanists realize that they must target your children. Ken Ham exposes the truth.
In a recent survey, we discovered that we are losing kids from church in grade school—not just college. Sunday school is one of the reasons why.
From the beginning of our speaking ministry, I began to see a pattern. Wherever I spoke, regardless of the country, people were asking the same basic questions.
These and many other amazing facts spill off the 96 pages of the October–December 2009 issue of Answers magazine.
Many of those opposing the Christian faith accuse Christians of supposed “child abuse” for teaching them about God of creation.
We agree when Dr. Moreland states that “we ought not allow science to dictate to us our exegesis of the Old Testament,” but then he proceeds to do exactly that.
Each of our children grew up with creationist resources, and such a foundation can keep children in church when they grow up.
Ever heard one of these claims? Perhaps you’ve even said one yourself. We’ve heard them all—but they’re all false, or at least they imply a falsehood.
This month, Answers in Genesis released an eye-opening new book that we ask you to symbolically nail on the door of churches, Christian colleges, and seminaries across America.
On the tenth anniversary of the Columbine killings, atheists are fuming about one of our 2006 commercials. Perhaps it’s because we pointed out a connection that’s too close to home.
Christians should be able to defend their faith when asked skeptical questions.
What is not so commonly known is that there have been adverse parts of Darwin’s legacy that many of his followers have either denied or kept from public knowledge.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.