Latest Articles by Bill Jack

  • One of the world´s most spectacular caves is Carlsbad Caverns in southeastern New Mexico, USA.

  • Mount St. Helens violently erupted on May 18, 1980, rapidly dispelling many false long-age notions about the formation of canyons, rock layers, and coal.

  • The herbivorous diets of many traditionally carnivorous animals provide a glimpse into the original creation when all animals were vegetarians.

  • One of the most asked questions by skeptics and Christians alike is, “Where did Cain get his wife?” Genesis provides the simple answer!

  • Mammals can range in size from the tiny shrew to the giant blue whale! This amazing variety shows the work of the Creator God.

  • In a quiet pond somewhere on early earth, the many complex chemicals necessary for life came together to produce the first living cell—or did they?

  • Numerous cultures across the globe contain myths and legends relating to the creation of the world.

  • Antibiotic resistance in bacteria is often touted as proof of evolution, but is it really? After all, the bacterium remains a bacterium!

  • This free zoo currently houses over 18,000 animals and is a world leader in wildlife conservation and endangered species protection.

  • How do we properly raise our children in the training and instruction of the Lord so that they will grow into godly adults?

  • Opting to skirt the controversy of Genesis as literal history, the biblical authority of the Holy Word is called into question and reduced to a collection of mere stories.

  • Answers are important. If children aren’t given answers to their questions about the Bible and the history it reveals, they cannot defend their faith against a fallen world. The Answers Book for Kids series is a unique collection from Ken Ham and the creative team at Answers in Genesis that meets this need.

  • The Fossils Hall in the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. includes many real dinosaur fossils—not copies—on display.

  • How should we interpret the geologic time scale, traditionally associated with millions of years, in light of the Bible’s history?

  • Jesus Christ, the Creator of the universe, took on flesh and endured the horror of death by crucifixion in order that man might be reconciled to God.

  • One popular interpretation of Genesis 1 shoehorns a millions-of-years gap between verses 1 and 2. Is this a valid interpretation?

  • Collection

    We are daily bombarded with “facts” from media of all kinds. How should a Bible-believing Christian respond?

  • Page
    Map and directions

    Map and directions to Creation Museum and AiG–U.S. headquarters

  • Hitler and Evolution

    Sir Arthur Keith was a British anthropologist, an atheistic evolutionist and an anti-Nazi, but he drew this chilling conclusion about Hitler.

  • Ken Ham shares his burden for Christian apologetics beginning from the very first verse of Scripture.

  • In addition to outdoor adventure and beauty, this park is a great place to learn about how mountains were formed from rock layers at the end of the global Flood.


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