Biology makes little sense without the Bible. Why do we observe animals varying within their respective kinds and not changing into other kinds? Why do we observe life giving rise to life, not life from non-life, which molecules-to-man evolution requires?
Some people get frustrated when they realize that the “facts” taught in biology class today might turn out to not be true tomorrow. But it really reminds us of how much we have left to learn.
Why should a person’s arm have the same kind of bone pattern as the leg of a dog and the wing of a bat? There are two basic ideas, descent from a common ancestor or creation according to a common plan.
What if we could design a super-small, versatile machine that could travel up blood vessels to deliver targeted medical aid? The fast-moving, single-celled organism, Giardia lamblia, has a unique combination of paired “whips” (flagella) that give it incredible maneuverability. Could miniaturized motorized vehicles be built to imitate this amazing design?
Disease, an enemy in a once-perfect creation, does not provide evidence of evolution but rather shows the destructive and often deadly effects of sin.
Mushrooms, molds, yeasts, and more—fungi are God-designed organisms that decompose and clean up organic waste.
The fascinating study of microbiology reveals the unbelievable diversity of microscopic organisms—some that even dwell in toxic sea vents and the Dead Sea!
Plants grow in nearly every environment and come in an amazing variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and types. These “solar machines” are marvels of design.
What mysterious quality makes a creature alive at one moment but is absent the instant the creature dies? The Bible answers the question, “What is life?”
God created earth teeming with life: mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish, creepy crawlies and dinosaurs. These animals testify to their awesome Creator.
Medical researchers have launched one of the most ambitious mapping projects ever—the human cell atlas.
Darwin’s tour around the world shows that we often see what we’re looking for.
The case of UCYN-A is an interesting one but does not represent what pop-sci articles claim.
We’ve now unlocked some of our body’s incredible secrets for rapid response to the ever-changing threat from microbe invaders.
What is speciation, and do creationists think it happens?
Why do some creatures leave their young for others to raise?
This magnificent muscle speaks of God’s creative genius—and refutes blind evolutionary chance.
Prominent scientists are speaking out against Darwinian evolution, and they’re not even creationists.
God ingeniously preprogrammed the genetic information essential for glass frogs to control their transparency.
The father of bacteriology was motivated by his faith in the Creator.
Flowers aren’t just pretty trinkets we enjoy for a moment. They’re among the most remarkable structures in nature.
From head to heels, your body teems with minuscule machines driving your everyday physical processes.
According to some evolutionists, sometime “between infinity and a few thousand years,” the Y chromosome will become extinct unless we can evolve a new sex gene.
How Christian Gram’s providential bacteria discovery in 1883 helped improve bacterial taxonomy and identify pathogens of infectious diseases.
If all the ingredients necessary for life can occur naturally, does that mean over time they can evolve into a living creature?
When we begin to examine life on the molecular level, we quickly begin to realize that hemoglobin is specially designed for multiple purposes.
Don’t look now, but you’re being watched by an amazing variety of magnificent eyes.
A Canadian graduate student has discovered a life form so different from everything else that it doesn’t fit into the plant, animal, or other known kingdoms.
To keep us safe, our body coordinates with a vast network of foreign agents that have joined our side.
Forests are nurseries of health and well-being. New discoveries are showing that this doesn’t happen by accident. The trees are working together.
Almost from the beginning, evolutionists have attempted to equate the process of evolution with the progressive development of the embryo.
Bacteria depend on tail-like structures called flagella to get around. But they’re not alone.
God created an infinite diversity of food for us to explore in infinite combinations.
God designed one mighty beast to thrive in extreme Tibetan conditions.
Zika, spread by mosquitoes, can severely damage unborn babies’ nervous systems and cause them to be born with tiny heads (microcephaly).
Evolutionists claim to know when mitochondria evolved yet still cannot show how or that mitochondria are anything but one of God’s great designs.
Why should a person’s arm have the same kind of bone pattern as the leg of a dog and the wing of a bat? There are two basic ideas.
A recent study on algae supposedly sheds light on how aquatic life became terrestrial.
The rich and vibrant greens of the forest canopy delight our eyes. But did you know that these leaves are hiding something they won’t reveal until fall?
Interview with Biologist, Dr. Joe Francis
Solution to the mystery of terrestrial toes said to reside in the spotted gar.
Biting opened the way for biodiversity, evolutionists say.
Ancient microfossils have supposedly solved the evolutionary enigma of the Cambrian Explosion.
Animals were flexing their muscles even “before” the Cambrian Explosion.
The “superorganism” that you are testifies to the superlative wisdom of our Creator God.
Microbes live in a mutualistic relationship with the human body, make up the human microbiome, and play a role in our health by modulating the immune system.
Dinosaur body temperatures, like Goldilocks’s preferred porridge, may have been neither hot nor cold but somewhere in the middle.
Study proves growth rings in bone cannot be used to determine whether an animal is cold-blooded or warm-blooded.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.