With fun facts about more than 100 animals, this long-awaited Aquarium Guide includes beautiful pictures and reveals the incredible facts and design features that point to our amazing Creator. This handy size guide is excellent for school field trips and family trips to your favorite aquarium!
With the Australian lungfish being limited to the waters of Queensland, Australia, how did remains of this creature get in Northern Ireland?
Originally, this creature did not eat meat; it ate plants since all animals were created vegetarians.
The catfish can also secrete mucus that keeps it from drying out if it finds itself in an evaporating body of water.
This fish is called a cleaner fish because it attracts larger fish to its cleaning station where the larger fish are cleaned.
The clown triggerfish gets its name because of its unusual coloring and pattern. The clown triggerfish’s lips are bright orange.
Unlike the salmon, which dies soon after spawning, the copper rockfish can live to reproduce year after year.
The colors of different populations of guppies vary greatly depending on the number of predators.
The long-spine porcupinefish has dark patches on its sides and back. It has long spines that protrude from all over its body, except for the fins and face.
The sea dragon has elaborate skin filaments that hang from its head, body, and tail.
The nautilus has an unusually long life span for a cephalopod; it may live for more than 15 years.
This shrimp is known for the orange coloring along its sides and the long red stripe on its dorsal side that is bisected by a narrow, white band.
The crayfish must shed its hard exoskeleton in order for its soft body to grow and mature.
The feather duster has a series of feathery tentacles on its head that it uses to filter nutrients from the water and take in oxygen.
Most sea slugs are brightly colored, which may warn potential predators to stay away.
The squid has two fins, a mantle, and a head that bears eight arms and two tentacles, each covered with suckers, which are armed with hooks or sucker rings.
With its large wings, the albatross uses wind currents to aid in extended flights.
The Arctic tern has a white body with a black cap on its head, gray upper wings, back, and underparts, and a deeply forked white tail.
All three species of puffins stand upright and have black and white head and body plumage. They also have brightly-colored bills, mostly yellow and orange.
The double-crested cormorant is designed with a hook-like tip on its bill, which helps it capture its prey underwater.
The flamingo is known for its bright pink feathers and uniquely downcurved black-tipped bill, which is adapted to filter feeding.
The glaucous-winged gull eats mollusks that have hard outer shells by dropping them onto coastal rocks from the air to break them open.
The roseate spoonbill feeds by wading slowly through the water, sweeping its long bill from side to side.
The beluga whale is known for its milky white skin. Young are gray or pinkish brown at birth but fade to white as they grow.
The name “bottlenose” comes from this dolphin’s elongated upper and lower jaws that form what is called the “rostrum.”
The harbor seal is covered by a coat of short, thick hairs. These hairs are white to black.
The manatee is a large creature with two fore-flippers and one rear flipper that acts as a rudder when it swims. The manatee is often referred to as a sea cow.