Aquarium Guide

Aquarium Guide

With fun facts about more than 100 animals, this long-awaited Aquarium Guide includes beautiful pictures and reveals the incredible facts and design features that point to our amazing Creator. This handy size guide is excellent for school field trips and family trips to your favorite aquarium!


    • Butterflyfish
      pp. 21–22

      The butterflyfish is a laterally thin fish.

    • Archerfish

      The archerfish gets its name from its ability to shoot a precisely-aimed stream of water at its prey, which are mostly insects living on land.

    • The mouth of this fish (like other surgeonfishes) is perfectly designed to carefully remove the algae from coral while leaving the coral intact.

    • Clown Triggerfish
      pp. 27–28

      The clown triggerfish gets its name because of its unusual coloring and pattern. The clown triggerfish’s lips are bright orange.

    • Long Spine Porcupine Fish
      pp. 45–46

      The long-spine porcupinefish has dark patches on its sides and back. It has long spines that protrude from all over its body, except for the fins and face.

    • Sea Dragon
      pp. 69–70

      The sea dragon has elaborate skin filaments that hang from its head, body, and tail.

    • pp. 71–72

      The body of the seahorse is similar to the leafy and weedy sea dragons.

    • pp. 93–94

      This shark is a grayish-brown color on its dorsal side with a lighter underside. It has small teeth in the front of its mouth and broad teeth in the back.

    • pp. 107–108

      The whale shark is dark gray or greenish gray from its back to the middle of its sides. Its belly is off-white.

    • Chambered Nautilus
      pp. 117–118

      The nautilus has an unusually long life span for a cephalopod; it may live for more than 15 years.

    • Cleaner Shrimp
      pp. 121–122

      This shrimp is known for the orange coloring along its sides and the long red stripe on its dorsal side that is bisected by a narrow, white band.

    • pp. 133–134

      The thick internal shell of a cuttlefish is called a cuttlebone. It is made of calcium carbonate and contains numerous gas- and/or water-filled chambers.

    • Feather Duster
      pp. 135–136

      The feather duster has a series of feathery tentacles on its head that it uses to filter nutrients from the water and take in oxygen.

    • pp. 137–138

      The ghost crab is aptly named. It is a pale, sandy color, making it almost invisible on the sand. Its black eyes are held aloft on stalks.

    • pp. 141–142

      The giant octopus is one of the largest invertebrates.

    • pp. 145–146

      The soft body of the horseshoe crab is protected by a hard, outer shell.

    • Sea Slug
      pp. 159–160

      Most sea slugs are brightly colored, which may warn potential predators to stay away.

    • pp. 161–162

      The sea star usually has five sections or arms, or multiples of 5, 10, 20, or even 40 arms.

    • Squid
      pp. 167–168

      The squid has two fins, a mantle, and a head that bears eight arms and two tentacles, each covered with suckers, which are armed with hooks or sucker rings.

    • Arctic Tern
      pp. 175–176

      The Arctic tern has a white body with a black cap on its head, gray upper wings, back, and underparts, and a deeply forked white tail.

    • Atlantic Puffin
      pp. 177–178

      All three species of puffins stand upright and have black and white head and body plumage. They also have brightly-colored bills, mostly yellow and orange.

    • pp. 183–184

      The emperor penguin is the largest of the penguin species. It is easily recognized with its jet black head, grayish-black wings and back, and white belly.

    • Flamingo
      pp. 185–186

      The flamingo is known for its bright pink feathers and uniquely downcurved black-tipped bill, which is adapted to filter feeding.

    • Great White Pelican
      pp. 189–190

      The great white pelican has white feathers with black wing tips.

    • Beluga Whale
      pp. 195–196

      The beluga whale is known for its milky white skin. Young are gray or pinkish brown at birth but fade to white as they grow.

    • Bottlenose Dolphin
      pp. 197–198

      The name “bottlenose” comes from this dolphin’s elongated upper and lower jaws that form what is called the “rostrum.”

    • Harbor Seal
      pp. 201–202

      The harbor seal is covered by a coat of short, thick hairs. These hairs are white to black.

    • pp. 203–204

      Killer whales are the largest member of the dolphin family.

    • Manatee
      pp. 205–206

      The manatee is a large creature with two fore-flippers and one rear flipper that acts as a rudder when it swims. The manatee is often referred to as a sea cow.

    • pp. 207–208

      The sea otter has webbed hind feet which are perfect for swimming; its forefeet are smaller with semi-retractable claws.

    • pp. 217–218

      Sea turtles can rest or sleep underwater for several hours at a time.

    • The adult diamondback terrapin nests on sandy borders of coastal salt marshes or in dunes from June to July.

    • The blue shark’s sleek, tapered body makes it a graceful swimmer.

    • The most striking design feature is the shape of the great hammerhead shark’s head.

    • The box jellyfish is able to see through four sets of eyes!

    • The lobster has a unique design. Its mouth is used for much more than just eating.

    • Flexible horns are used to direct plankton and water into the manta’s very broad and wide mouth.

    • The giant clam gets some of its food by filtering the seawater with its siphon.

    • Common Murre

      The common murre dives after its food, often to depths of 100 ft (30 m).

    • The chiton is well-designed for its habitat and diet.

    • The shape of the limpet varies. The closer the limpet is to the water, the flatter and smaller its shell.

    • Some hermit crabs have an unusual relationship with the sea anemone.

    • Research indicates that the red blood cells of the leopard shark are smaller and more numerous than the red blood cells of other sharks.

    • The conch builds its own shell out of calcium carbonate that it gets from the ocean.

    • Part of this creature’s defense mechanism is its bright coloring.

    • Albatross

      With its large wings, the albatross uses wind currents to aid in extended flights.

    • Mandarin Duck

      This bird is not hunted for food because it has a bad taste.

    • The scallop has an incredibly strong muscle that keeps its shell closed.

    • God designed the sponge with the ability to draw water into its body through tiny holes.

    • Some sea anemones have an important symbiotic relationship with algae species.

    • When surprised by a predator, some sea cucumbers can expel their internal organs along with a sticky substance.

    • The whelk uses its radula (a tongue-like feature with rows of teeth) to bore a hole into the shell of its prey to reach the protected flesh.

    • Anhinga

      The anhinga’s neck, bill, and feet all help it catch prey.

    • Common mussels live in large colonies.

    • Small but numerous spines of the common sand dollar are its primary tool for burrowing within the upper few centimeters of sandy ocean bottoms.

    • Scientists have discovered that coral has layers.

    • Crayfish

      The crayfish must shed its hard exoskeleton in order for its soft body to grow and mature.

    • The oyster is a filter-feeder that gets its food by filtering food particles from water with its gills.

    • The five bony teeth of the sea urchin were given to the original created kind to help it scrape algae (its food) from rocks.

    • Double-Crested Cormorant

      The double-crested cormorant is designed with a hook-like tip on its bill, which helps it capture its prey underwater.

    • Glaucous-Winged Gull

      The glaucous-winged gull eats mollusks that have hard outer shells by dropping them onto coastal rocks from the air to break them open.

    • Unlike most sharks, the nurse shark does not have to constantly move water across its gills to breathe.

    • The eyes of the stingray are on the top of its body, while its mouth is on the underside of its body.

    • Like most sharks, the tiger shark has an incredible sense of smell.

    • The whitetip reef shark is a nocturnal creature.

    • Like other bottom-dwelling sharks, the zebra shark can pump water over its gills.

    • Roseate Spoonbill

      The roseate spoonbill feeds by wading slowly through the water, sweeping its long bill from side to side.

    • The alligator snapping turtle has a fascinating hunting technique.

    • Being a cold-blooded creature, the marine iguana can spend only a limited time in the cold water surrounding the Galapagos Islands to find its food.

    • The sea snake is an air-breathing reptile and must come to the surface to breathe.

    • Australian Lungfish

      With the Australian lungfish being limited to the waters of Queensland, Australia, how did remains of this creature get in Northern Ireland?

    • Barracuda

      Originally, this creature did not eat meat; it ate plants since all animals were created vegetarians.

    • Catfish

      The catfish can also secrete mucus that keeps it from drying out if it finds itself in an evaporating body of water.

    • Cleaner Fish

      This fish is called a cleaner fish because it attracts larger fish to its cleaning station where the larger fish are cleaned.

    • Copper Rockfish

      Unlike the salmon, which dies soon after spawning, the copper rockfish can live to reproduce year after year.

    • Discus Fish

      As with other cichlids, both discus fish parents care for the young.

    • The blacktip reef shark is one of the only sharks that can jump fully out of the water.

    • French Angelfish

      A young French angelfish has a unique “job” to perform in the ocean.

    • Guppy

      The colors of different populations of guppies vary greatly depending on the number of predators.

    • The humphead wrasse has large, plump lips that make this fish the perfect creature to control the growth of toxic and spiny reef creatures.

    • When foraging, the longhorn cowfish often blows jets of water out of its mouth at the sand surface to uncover buried prey.

    • The longnose hawkfish often makes its home among flame corals, which have stinging cells called nematocysts.

    • The juvenile lookdown sports long filaments from its dorsal fin, which help it blend in with grasses.

    • The mandarinfish produces a thick mucous that covers its body. Scientists believe that this secretion could ward off potential predators.

    • The bars of color on the body of the Moorish idol break up the body outline and make it harder for predators to tell where the fish begins and ends.

    • The shape of the moray eel allows it to hunt prey that is larger than it can swallow.

    • The relationship that the clownfish has with a sea anemone is truly a wonderful design feature.

    • The teeth of the parrotfish are uniquely designed to scrape algae from coral and rocks.

    • The firefish’s elongated dorsal fin is used to communicate with other firefish.

    • The piranha hunts in packs of 20-30.

    • This creature’s amazing camouflage and attack structures point to its intelligent Creator.

    • The remora does not have a swim bladder.

    • The scrawled filefish can stand its primary dorsal fin erect to lodge itself into a crack or crevice of a reef.

    • The smooth trunkfish “blows” jets of water at the seafloor to uncover organisms that are hidden.

    • Tightening its muscular body to make itself rigid, the spotted garden eel drives its pointy tail deep into the sandy sea floor.

    • The trumpetfish is a sneaky predator.

    • By instinct, the white sturgeon spawns in swift-moving water.

    • Yellow perch are poor swimmers. As a result, these creatures swim in schools.

    • The yellow tang is designed with sharp spines near its tail to help protect itself against predators.

    • The Creator gave the zebrafish the ability to regenerate its skin, fins, heart, and even its brain in larval stages.