In many ways, reporting by the secular and Christian media (from around the world) has certainly greatly contributed to seeing the gospel “preached in all the world.”
When Christians claim that the God of the Bible created all the basic entities of life and the universe, some will ask what seems to be a logical question: “Who created God?”
In the past few months almost every one of the scores of reporters from secular newspapers, magazines, and TV outlets who have visited the museum have photographed these two children.
AiG, through the wonderful support of God’s people, has been able to build a museum with outstanding exhibits—“world-class” displays, as some visitors have described them—using cutting-edge technology
We recognize that even during this joyous, celebratory time, there will likely be attacks on the museum project . . . and the AiG ministry in general.
When we accept Genesis as it was meant to be taken—as literal history—then we understand that death, disease, and violence are intrusions into this world.
She may look cute, but the science of genetics is confirming what I’ve always said about her: “She’s a degenerate mutant affected by sin and the Curse.”
Who are the world’s “new fascists,” according to a new Simon and Schuster book composed by a former New York Times correspondent?
How do creationists respond to evolutionists who tout “evolution actually works” with the newest dinosaur find?
Ken Ham writes about bias against Christians in modern television.
“Evolution Sunday” will attack God’s Word this weekend. Sadly, it may lead many more people to hopelessness and despair.
Secular humanists have, by and large, won the culture war in America’s public schools. But not just satisfied with victories there, they are now aiming at Christian schools and homeschools. Yes, Christian institutions are becoming more and more marginalized in the US.
Evolution is one of the biggest barriers to today's people being receptive to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Creation evangelism is a powerful method that removes these barriers.
What happens over the next few weeks is highly important for the future of Answers in Genesis. I think you’ll catch my excitement as you read on!
As you probably already know from reading our web articles, it's almost impossible for a creationist speaker to lecture in public schools on origins.
Last month AiG-USA began a special new initiative to reach students in public schools across America.
Did you know that a camp that trains children in atheism/secular humanism started in Kentucky, and in the same year we had a highly publicized zoning battle over our Creation Museum a few miles away?
This traveling “science” exhibit is designed to indoctrinate young children across America in a morally bankrupt faith-based belief system: the evolution of man from non-living matter!
The following headline was featured Sunday morning (November 5) on Fox News Television: “Japanese Researchers Find Dolphin with Remains of Legs.”
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.