Latest Articles by Avery Foley

  • Plants grow in nearly every environment and come in an amazing variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and types. These “solar machines” are marvels of design.

  • This revolutionary book has already opened the eyes of thousands of Christians showing why the traditional methods of evangelism are not reaching today’s humanistic, evolutionized culture. By applying proven soul-winning methods as found in the Scriptures, this book will revolutionize your witnessing. Why not encourage your pastors to read it too?

  • Does observational science support the big bang, the idea that 13 billion years ago all matter came from nothing and eventually formed everything we see today?

  • Just Be Good for Goodness’ Sake: Is Being Good Good Enough?

    Why should we be good? Without God, is there any reason why anyone should be good? And who defines what is right or good, anyway?

  • Landing Page
  • The eerie darkness of caves hosts strange growths called stalagmites and stalactites. Caves, and their features, take millions of years to form—don’t they?

  • 生物が想像を絶する多様性に富んでいることにはいつも驚かされる。

  • Video Collection
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  • Vestigial Organs: A Vanishing Argument

    Vestigial organs are supposedly useless leftovers from our evolutionary past. However, this claim requires preconceived belief and an ignorance of the evidence.

  • The characteristics of math reflect characteristics of God, its Creator.

  • Video Collection


  • Biography
    John Rendle-Short

    Dr. John Rendle Short was a paediatrician in Australia for 24 years.

  • Scripture declares there is only one race—the human race! Since we are all descendants of Adam and Eve and we are all one blood, there is no basis for racism.

  • Disease, an enemy in a once-perfect creation, does not provide evidence of evolution but rather shows the destructive and often deadly effects of sin.

  • Where was God?

    What does all the death and suffering in the world tell us about God? Is He simply a distant, disinterested being, or the loving Creator of a now-broken world?

  • The sun, a star situated the perfect distance from earth to supply needed heat and light, shows evidence of special design by a loving Creator.

  • Many Christians try to fit millions of years and evolution into the biblical text. This compromise does great damage to the authority of the Bible.

  • Was early man truly a stone-age, lumbering brute grunting his way toward primitive language? The evidence says the opposite—early man was intelligent!


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