God created human beings in His image, with a unique spiritual nature and an eternal destiny. To envisage human beings as nothing more than evolutionarily advanced animals—mere products of random luck over millions of years—is not an inconsequential choice but a dangerous position.
We know from the book of Genesis that God did not use one organism as raw material for the next but instead spoke each into existence over the course of a few days. Human beings have remarkable differences including a spiritual nature that chimps have never and will never have.
The popular media is abuzz with the new claim that “running made us human. The essential results of this study are that both living and fossil apes were incapable of endurance running but both living and fossil humans are capable of such running ability.
Evolutionists can’t find what separates humans from animals, because the answer’s in Genesis.
How did humans start cooperating with one another? A recent study suggests the belief in “punitive gods” caused our evolutionary ancestors to begin cooperating.
“Why?” A young child’s barrage of questions isn’t a sign of stubbornness. It reflects an inquisitive mind that’s putting together a verbal map of the universe.
Though monkeys can’t imitate human language despite speech-ready vocal tracts because of their brains’ wiring, their versatile alarm calls meet their needs.
Is being human just a matter of accumulating qualities that humans have, even if evolutionists could find a way that ape-like creatures could have done so?
Evolutionists claim human intelligence, culture, and society evolved because an ape-like ancestor’s brain evolved the need to be shaped by the environment.
If additional tests reveal bonobos actually are communicating with one another, the authors’ evolutionary leaps will still be groundless.
Does a "talking" orangutan fill the gap between monkeys and humans in the evolution and origin of human language?
Previously thought of as something akin to a grunt, huh? qualifies as a bona fide word, linguists now say.
Does the chimpanzee ability to see-a-snake and sound-a-signal recapitulate the evolutionary underpinnings of human language?
Are there “striking similarities” in ape and human communication, and what do they mean?
What do honeybee waggles and birdsong have to do with human speech? An MIT linguist believes they demonstrate that human speech evolved as Darwin thought.
Homo erectus had style and design of their tools down to a science.
Uniqueness of humans is reflected in the way their genes are regulated.
Noticing the intellectual reputation of Neanderthals, it’s worth recalling how a person’s worldview colors his interpretation of data about human origins.
It is impossible to understand human nature apart from biblical revelation.
Aged Australian Aboriginal art discovered at Narwala Gabarnmang rock shelter
Who left their handprints in northern Spain?
Teeth track patrimony (property inherited through the male line) and prosperity in early agricultural society.
Bookish baboons said to demonstrate reading readiness pre-dated evolutionary emergence of humans.
South Africa’s “earliest known evidence of abstract thought”
Sleep tight and don’t let the bedbugs bite.
Nubian wares scramble human evolutionary map again.
The human brain evolved because early humans developed technology?
What were humans like a million years ago—fur-wearing, meat-eating, tool-making Britons?
Bits of shell discovered in South Africa display the intelligence of “ancient” humans.
Two perennial questions for evolutionary anthropologists are how humans began walking upright and how humans began to make and use stone tools. For one team of scientists, the answers are intertwined.
When it comes to fires, chimpanzees keep their cool. Does this “reveal a primitive hominid trait”?
If you ain’t no good speaker of English, maybe you should talk to one o’ them thar monkeys to straight’n ya out.
Is that the sound of a wolf whistle or an orangutan whistle we hear?
Yesterday’s humans weren’t as sophisticated as today’s humans—according to today’s humans.
A Congolese study headed by doctoral student Esther Herrmann and her advisor, Michael Tomasello, both of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany, is the latest research to highlight humans’ intellectual distinction from apes.
Wooden tools used by African chimpanzees have some evolutionists excited. Researchers have observed chimps in Senegal making spears out of tree branches and then using them.
Researchers are astounded by ape communication skills.
Simian use of gestures is the latest evidence of evolution—at least, that’s the impression given by a BBC NEWS article describing research into how bonobos and chimpanzees communicate.
Yet once again the popular media is alive with the sound of evolutionism. This time the story that has them all abuzz is the new claim that “running made us human.”
'All assumptions that human speech developed gradually from animal grunts (the so-called woof-woof theories) or that gestures changed incrementally into audible language, cannot be sustained.'
One of the most popular myths of human evolution is that stone tools testify to the increasing mental and conceptual abilities of humans as they evolved.
An eccentric German, named Von Osten, set out to show that animals were as clever as men. He spent two years educating a horse which became known as Clever Hans.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.