Young-Earth Evolution

A “new” wrinkle in sneaking evolution into the church is something we are terming young-earth evolution. Subtle ideas that don’t comport with Scripture or are unnecessarily accommodating of evolutionary ideas are causing problems within the church, confusing the people in the pews.

Ultimately, this confusion can and has led to Christians leaving the church or questioning their faith or Scripture. Issues such as feathered dinosaurs, walking whales, questioning God’s methods of creation, and other uncritical acceptance of evolutionary ideas have the average churchgoer scratching his head and wondering whether there is truth to be found even in Scripture.

Shedding Light

There is no reason (and no real data to back up this claim) to follow along with this evolutionary teaching unless you are imbibing the whole evolutionary scenario, which involves classifying dinosaurs and reptiles as birds, going against the biblical understanding of kinds and the order of creation.

It is our concern that these ideas receive the scrutiny they deserve as they stand against the clear teaching of Scripture and even uncritically accept claims in the evolutionary literature. For example, though God could have created dinosaurs with feathers, there is no reason (and no real data to back up this claim) to follow along with this evolutionary teaching unless you are imbibing the whole evolutionary scenario, which involves classifying dinosaurs and reptiles as birds, going against the biblical understanding of kinds and the order of creation. And arguments that begin with “God could have . . . ” are not exactly good scientific or biblical arguments. It is inconsistent, dangerous, and confusing to accept so much evolutionary narrative or present much of evolution as not in direct conflict with Scripture while still holding on to a biblical creation model in some way.

The fact is, God said what he did in his Word. Genesis 1 and 2 state clearly that God created birds (as well as sea creatures, including whales) on day five and land animals (which would include reptiles and mammals) on day six and that he created them to reproduce after their kinds. This topic will examine the many ways evolutionary ideas are creeping into the young-earth camp.

It is our hope that people will find the answers they need to combat these evolutionary ideas and to encourage them to find their answers in biblical scholarship, not in the words and ideas of fallible men, some even who are hostile to the faith. But we also need to guard against the ideas of men that would—perhaps even unwittingly—lay the groundwork for apostasy and uncritical acceptance of evolution as a whole.

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