The fossil record does not reveal an evolutionary progression in feather development, nor does it reveal transitional animals that are part bird and part dinosaur. No scientific observations have ever shown a way that dinosaurs could acquire the genetic information to make the dramatic changes that would have been necessary to evolve into birds.
Since no definitive dinosaurs with feathers have appeared in the fossil record—only dinosaurs with fuzzy-looking collagen fibers that do not qualify in any way as transitional feathers—many evolutionists seeking to explain the evolution of feathers would like to find transitional evolutionary forms. Microraptor did not help their case.
Nothing in the Bible precludes the erstwhile existence of feathered dinosaurs. What the Bible does indicate is that if feathered dinosaurs were to have existed, they would have been created with feathers; they did not evolve from reptilian scales, which are quite different.
A recent article shares about one specific, very well-preserved bird fossil that challenges evolutionary assumptions about dinosaur-to-bird evolution.
Has a new study on Psittacosaurus really proven that so-called feathered dinosaurs had both reptile and birdlike skin?
What should we make of a headline like this: “Dinosaur feathers may have been more birdlike than previously thought”?
In a chunk of amber, researchers discovered bits of downy feathers and larval molts from beetles that are very similar to beetles that live today.
Cratonavis zhui is an alleged link between dinosaurs and birds.
Are you thankful for your dinosaur’s drumsticks?
Evolution is so ingrained in our culture that most people assume modern-looking birds didn’t live with dinosaurs, but this is not the case.
Did dinosaurs evolve into birds? Are the birds we see at our window actually feathered dinosaurs? For many evolutionists these claims are unassailable facts.
What does the Bible tell us about the origin of birds, and just how good is the scientific evidence that some dinosaurs evolved into birds?
Once again the popular media is abuzz with a new evolutionary breakthrough. This time it is purported to be a feathered dinosaur tail trapped in amber!
Evolutionary scientists think birds evolved from dinosaurs and to help prove it, they’ve engineered a chicken embryo to grow a dinosaur-like lower leg.
Despite claims they had prehistoric plumage, Ornithomimus fossils are devoid of feathers.
Zhenyuanlong is not a blow to biblical belief or proof that dinosaurs evolved into birds, but a testimony to avian diversity of the pre-Flood world.
Get used to seeing feathers on all evolutionary depictions of dinosaurs, not just theropods!
Do four-winged Cretaceous birds confirm dinosaurs’ role in the evolution of flight?
Since last week’s discussion of the feathered fossil Eosinopteryx, we have received questions about how we could consider this animal a bird.
It’s an itsy-bitsy . . . dinosaur? Or bird?
Were feathered dinosaurs found in Canada?
Popular paleo-blogger calls evolutionists who reject feathered dinosaurs “misguided.”
Fine filaments on Bavarian theropod boasted to “bridge the considerable gap” between “feathered dinosaur” groups.
Gigantic dinosaur reportedly has fossilized feathers, but don’t look too closely.
Last meal is a testament . . . but to what?
From egg-thief to devoted mother to fan-dancer, Oviraptor reputation soars in Vegas.
Canadian amber preserves some itsy-bitsy fuzzy fossils.
Xiaotingia zhengi—the latest so-called feathered fossil in Liaoning—is providing a creative way to draft the Archaeopteryx into the dinosaur family.
Why fly when you can flap-run up the evolutionary tree?
The focus of the article is purportedly “the final nail in the coffin” for those that don’t believe that birds evolved from dinosaurs. Or is this evolutionary dogma that just won’t fly away?
Do chickens really take on “dinosaurian traits” inside the egg as one paleontologist claims? There’s more fluff to this claim than fact.
“[M]ore evidence that birds did not descend from ground-dwelling theropod dinosaurs”: research from Oregon State University, home to evolutionists who reject the dinosaur-to-bird evolution tale.
Paleontologists have recovered fossilized melanosomes (which are responsible for pigmentation in skin, fur, and feathers) from ancient birds and dinosaurs.
If alligator lungs are like bird lungs, and dinosaur lungs were like alligator lungs, does that mean birds evolved from dinosaurs?
Dinosaurs, which were really just birds, were killed off by a flood, but not Noah’s Flood? Tim Chaffey and David Wright, AiG–US, clear up some confusion about dinosaurs.
It’s the “final proof” that dinosaurs evolved into birds, say scientists.
What were pterosaurs really like? An uncertain topic grows all the more perplexing after a new look at an old fossil.
Last week we reported on a solid scientific study that dismissed dinosaur-to-bird evolution. Of course, some researchers have yet to catch on.
The allegation that birds evolved from dinosaurs is frequently treated as factual by evolutionists. But an unexpected discovery about bird anatomy refutes this.
Oregon State University scientists have released a new study debunking the alleged evolution of dinosaurs into birds.
A fossilized feathered dinosaur found in China—are they serious this time?
A dinosaur unearthed in Argentina could be the latest evidence for a dino–bird connection, paleontologists report.
Bird fossils are found with dinosaur fossils.
Dubbed “the dawn of the Confucius bird,” a new bird fossil discovered in China is said to be from the time of the dinosaurs but is remarkably well preserved.
The claim that birds evolved from dinosaurs is widely accepted by secular scientists and in popular culture.
The Bible clearly states that birds were created before the dinosaurs.
Bumps on the forearm bone of a velociraptor fossil are creating considerable excitement for advocates of the dinosaurs-to-birds hypothesis.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.