The survival of DNA within dinosaur bones would be powerful evidence against a millions-of-years age for those fossils. The findings support the view that these dinosaurs lived only 4,300 years ago and were buried during the global Flood.
A team in England confirmed the existence of soft skin tissue, known as keratin, in fossilized lizard skin. A team in Sweden showed that collagen has survived in the fossilized bone of a mosasaur. Since the researchers believe these fossils are 50 to 70 million years old, they need to explain how fragile biological molecules can survive so long.
Paleontologists uncovered a Velociraptor apparently embroiled in a fight to the death with a Protoceratops. The Velociraptor’s hands were grabbing the head shield of the Protoceratops, while its sickle claw appears to be lodged deep into the body cavity. What explanations do secular scientists offer for such sudden burial and preservation?
Scientists working in Mongolia at the Barun Goyot Formation uncovered an unusual fossil—a nearly complete skeleton of a creature curled up like a bird.
In 2004, a team led by Dr. Mary Schweitzer discovered soft tissue—red blood cells, blood vessels, and collagen—in the femur of a T. rex. How could soft tissue last that long?
Soft tissue poses a problem for evolutionists—but it confirms the biblical timeline.
The presence of tissue, cells, and proteins remaining in dinosaur fossils poses a direct biochemical challenge to the standard geologic dating paradigm.
Observable science confirms preserved collagen fragments in dinosaur bone are authentic, but does not show protein can be preserved for millions of years.
Despite a large body of evidence for the authenticity of the dinosaur tissue, there remains a pattern of denial within the evolutionist community.
The Bible reveals when dinosaurs first walked the earth and when most were destroyed. But do we know what they really looked like and how they lived?
Scientists believe protein sequences from dinosaur blood vessel walls may help them map evolutionary relationships.
For decades, dinosaurs have troubled Christians who didn’t know how to explain them from the Bible.
How does cowboy life intersect with creation? Dinosaurs.
Soft skin tissue, known as keratin, has been found in fossilized lizard skin from the USA’s Green River Formation.
Triceratops skulls entombed in Montana’s Upper Cretaceous Hell Creek Formation tell a story, but not the tale of being trapped by the sands of time!
Iron may be the key to the surprising preservation of dinosaur soft tissue.
Ongoing excavation uncovers a fourth Triceratops in Cretaceous dig.
What researchers are seeing clearly does not support their beliefs about earth history over millions of years.
Evidence demonstrates preservation of cellular proteins in dinosaur fossils.
The Jurassic jawbone of a long extinct creature has resurfaced in China to add a new chapter to the saga of its mysterious identity.
Dinosaur babies frozen in time
South American sauropodomorph fills in the gap.
Warm-blooded, cold-blooded, or none-of-the-above?
Four dinosaur skulls recovered from Utah’s Dinosaur National Monument reveal Abydosaurus mcintoshi, a huge sauropod dinosaur thought to have swallowed its meals whole.
If dinosaurs died millions of years ago, how can their fossils still contain soft tissue?
Discerning viewers of Sunday evening’s 60 Minutes program about a remarkably preserved dinosaur bone should have noticed something missing.
What’s the cause for our sixth mention of T. rex in seven weeks? A new study of the famed dinosaur’s “most ancient fossil relative” that is “exquisitely” preserved.
For all its size and strength, one mighty T. rex may have ultimately succumbed to a minuscule parasite.
A “mummified” dinosaur with soft tissues fossilized—evidence of watery disaster?
An incredible discovery that shocked the “millions of years” camp is back—with further verification.
If dinosaurs were millions of years old, the soft tissue of the T. rex would have surely disappeared long ago.
The much-publicized soft tissue found inside a T. rex thigh bone (supposedly millions of years old) may not be dinosaur protein after all.
The largest dinosaur grave in Europe has been unearthed.
Found in Colin Glen, an area described by park ranger Paul Bennett as “rich in fossils and [...] of great geological interest,” the 2 3/4-inch (7 cm) section of backbone is from a plesiosaur said to have lived more than 144 million years ago and possibly as long as 190 million years ago.
Perhaps one of the most exciting recent discoveries for creationists has been the report of soft tissue found in a dinosaur fossil.
Researchers have extracted and analyzed bone marror from a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
Finding T. rex soft tissue is compelling evidence that it was not 65 million years ago that dinosaurs died out, as given on the evolutionary timeline.
Evolutionists continue to attempt to explain the presence of soft tissue in a T. rex bone a year ago.
Scientists have recently made the startling discovery of a dinosaur skeleton that still retains well preserved soft tissue.
According to a report in Papua New Guinea's The Independent newspaper, a 'dinosaur-like reptile' was seen on two occasions in the Lake Murray area, in Western Province.
Fresh (not permineralized, meaning unfossilized) dinosaur bones had been found in Alaska. Such bones could never have lasted 70 million years.
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