We seek to warn the church of the dangers that can undermine God’s Word and our ability to reach people with the saving truth of the gospel.
This Memorial Day weekend, starting May 24, our Creation Museum will open phase one of an amazing new million-dollar exhibit.
A new attack on the reliability and perspicuity of Scripture was released.
Which history of death do you accept?
Many media outlets continue to spread false information about AiG.
Did you know that over 270 cultures around the globe still have distant memories of Noah’s Flood? Now there is another one from Hollywood.
Not only do Bill Nye and Ken Ham hold totally different positions on origins, they also have different accounts of the history surrounding the recent debate at the Creation Museum.
A few weeks ago, we were feeling a bit like the Israelites as they were leaving Egypt. We needed the Lord to “part the Red Sea”—and miraculously, He did!
From a human perspective, we could have never imagined the level of interest the debate with Bill Nye would draw from around the world.
The Noah movie makes a mockery of the account of Noah, the Ark, and the Flood. Ray Comfort and AiG have just released Noah-themed videos that are faithful to the Bible’s account.
Secularists just hate it when they learn about how AiG is reaching children with God’s Word.
Sharing the gospel can be tough these days. No matter what new witnessing method comes along, none of them seem to work like they once did.
Like so many other theologically conservative theologians, Dr. Norman Geisler has adopted two different hermeneutical principles by which he interprets Scripture. This inconsistency causes problems.
Ken Ham considers the heavy responsibility of representing Christianity to both the Christian and secular world who would be watching the debate with Bill Nye.
At AiG, we have an intense burden to reach generations of young people with the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. It’s needed now more than ever.
Why not arrange to have this debate shown in your college—Christian or secular—and make it an outreach to the student body, faculty, and the community?
I’m more motivated than ever to be as active as we possibly can to reach people with the truth of God’s Word and the gospel.
It’s remarkable to what lengths some secularists will go in order to create bizarre conspiracies out of nothing!
When creationists take a strong stand that God created the earth six thousand years ago, they’re often accused of making this a salvation issue. Well, it isn’t a salvation issue—but it is!
In some fascinating ways, Noah’s Ark displays similarities to Jesus Christ.
Atheists are aggressively attacking Christianity more and more, and they are setting their sights on our children.
If you told the average American 50 years ago that “in the 21st century, America will take Christ out of Christmas and make it nothing but a pagan holiday,” I’m sure most would have responded with something like, “No—not here—that would never happen.” But it is happening.
The Genesis compromise has been highly destructive to the church in regard to biblical authority.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.