Secular scientists claim it’s easy to disprove the Bible’s 6,000-year history: just count the tree rings. Is this dating method reliable?
Meteorites have an amazing story to tell, but it has been misunderstood.
Minerals display not only God’s incredible creativity and His care for our needs, but also His unbounded love of variety and beauty.
Let’s take a closer look at the radioactive dating method and the radiometric dating methods and see how reliable they really are.
The idea that continents move sounds crazy . . . until you look at the facts.
NCSU’s recent research revealed an “oversight in a radioisotope dating technique used to date everything from meteorites to geologic samples.”
“Planet Earth makes its own water from scratch deep in the mantle” was the article headline in the January 27, 2017, New Scientist’s Daily News.
Remnants of a cypress forest were recently discovered off Alabama’s coast. What climate changes could explain such a massive rise in ocean level?
Why would the Southeastern USA experience such a devastating earthquake, a region that sits snugly in the middle of a tectonic plate?
Evidently, just prior to both periods, massive tectonic collisions took place near the earth's equator—a tropical zone where rocks undergo heavy weathering.
According to science textbooks, a series of rock layers covers the earth, representing many eras over “millions of years.” Are these charts accurate?
New chemical analyses appear to show that some of the early mantle rock may have survived until today in rock formations called flood basalts.
Diamonds are dazzling but definitely not “forever.” In fact, they wouldn’t exist without special conditions that God provided.
At today’s rate of ocean-floor buildup, chalk layers would take millions of years to form. How do creationists explain them?
A significant fraction of the earth’s radioactive elements, particularly uranium and thorium, appear to be in the granitic rock of the upper continental crust.
PDF DownloadMountains and breathtaking valleys adorn our planet. Each one speaks of God’s handiwork, but they were formed by water and ice in judgment, not creation.
Secular geologists are puzzled by how plate tectonics got started if early earth’s surface was covered by a layer of crust that kept the surface motionless.
They need to be shown that what we see in this world around us only makes sense in the light of God’s Word.
For decades, dinosaurs have troubled Christians who didn’t know how to explain them from the Bible.
The biblical worldview changes how you see everything, even a “paradise” like Hawaii.
Only one place on Earth holds a treasure trove of precious opals—Australia’s Outback.
The world that we see today is not the one that existed in Noah’s day.
The eruption of Mount St. Helens 35 years ago provided an amazing opportunity for scientists to study the effects of catastrophe.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.