We commonly use the word die to describe when plants, animals, or humans no longer function biologically. However, this is not the definition of the word die or death in the Old Testament. The Hebrew word for die is used only in relation to the death of man or animals with the breath of life, not regarding plants.
More than 600 species of plants are known to be carnivorous. Today’s carnivorous plants show just how topsy-turvy the world has become. After Adam’s rebellion, God cursed the earth so that it would bring forth “thorns and thistles”. Plants once meant for good can now cause harm.
Darwin considered the floral biodiversity in the fossil record to be an “abominable mystery” as he could not understand how such variety could appear all at once through evolutionary processes. Evolutionists since Darwin’s time have puzzled over how so many sorts of flowers could evolve so quickly.
The ability of plants to produce food from the sun (photosynthesis) is one of the most important and complex biological processes known to scientists. By God’s design, we have more than just spinach to eat. No, The Creator filled the earth with an unimaginable variety and abundance of foods.
Archaeologists found a seed believed to be about 1,000 years old in a cave and decided to plant it—and now 14 years later they have a 10-foot-tall tree growing.
The garden of Eden was likely much different than we might imagine.
After God cursed the earth, the war between man and weeds began. And the weeds seem to have the upper hand.
Down the road and around the world, coffee connects a community of people.
Flowers aren’t just pretty trinkets we enjoy for a moment. They’re among the most remarkable structures in nature.
Enjoy caring for your own succulents at home—and let their wild varieties remind you of their Designer’s inexhaustible creativity.
From floods and volcanoes to insect swarms, ice storms, and clear-cutting, a devastating variety of environmental disasters threaten forests all over the world.
A host of organisms enjoy a five-star stay in one of the most intricate ecosystems on earth.
The journey each seed takes from its source to its destination illustrates the Creator’s design.
In a fallen world where it’s eat or be eaten, even plants need protection.
If you have ever tried to keep one of these plants, you know they are tricky to grow.
Many accuse GMOs of being unhealthy foods that should not be sold without warning labels. In reality, the real problem is not usually the GMO itself, but the actual food product.
God placed within small seeds an astonishing ability to move mountains, which even pyramid builders sought to imitate.
An overview of carnivorous plants, differing mechanisms in plants, and whether carnivorous plants contradict the “very good” original creation in Genesis.
Giant sequoias are some of the oldest and largest living organisms on earth.
In light of a perfect pre-fall creation, parasitic plants may appear to be a thorny issue for a biblical worldview. But, digging deeper reveals a more biblical understanding.
Plants communicate in many ways. This article discusses some of the documented “under-the-table” communications.
Since plants are unable to simply get up and walk, or even shout when in danger, we often think of plants as passive.
Do plants and leaves die? What is the difference between plants and animals or man? For a biblical answer, we need to look at the phrase nephesh chayyah.
What if we could find an efficient process that extracted a pure source of power—hydrogen gas—directly out of water.
According to a recent New York Times article, a species of bush tomato from Australia somehow shows that the “sexual binary” is “a fallacy.”
God wove even the harshest elements of the Curse into His beautiful plan.
Since an increase of information is needed for molecules-to-man evolution, evolutionists postulate polyploidy as a means for this.
The master Engineer provided all the parts for plastics, long before the modern Plastic Age began.
PDF DownloadCreationists get so focused on finding evidence of design in individual organisms that they overlook the bigger picture—design of the ecosystems.
Forests are nurseries of health and well-being. New discoveries are showing that this doesn’t happen by accident. The trees are working together.
How should young-earth creationists explain the formation of highly specific relationships between plants and insects?
Some realities of nature are so common that we don’t even stop to ask why. Like round trees.
This article addresses these and other questions regarding post-Flood plant survival and dispersal, and consider mechanisms by which this may have occurred.
One-third of the world’s sugar comes from the lowly sugar beet. But God stored other treasures in this tuber, which we’re just beginning to exploit.
Beautifully preserved fossils are so common that we overlook how unusual they are.
A Venus flytrap isn’t interested in eating salad. It’s waiting for signs of fresh meat.
Strange green blobs are taking over the Atacama Desert in the Chilean Andes.
Can you imagine a plant that is nutritious, grows rapidly without special care, has medicinal value, and provides chemicals to purify water in remote places?
The rich and vibrant greens of the forest canopy delight our eyes. But did you know that these leaves are hiding something they won’t reveal until fall?
Imagine a plant trying to hide from being eaten in the brown desert.
This marvel of miniature design is set by tiny plants, called bladderworts, which seek to supplement their diet.
Jewish scientists have discovered an amazing species of rhubarb that “irrigates itself” through the advanced irrigation system on its broad leaves.
Are autumn’s colors explained by the Yucatan impact crater?
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.