We tend to take for granted the healthfulness of the air around us as long as we get the oxygen we need. We don’t pay much attention to the other elements even though oxygen makes up only 21% of our atmosphere. The bulk of the atmosphere consists of nitrogen (78%), and the remaining 1% is a mixture of trace materials. What is all that nitrogen doing in the atmosphere?
Our modern economy depends on a correct understanding of the earth, as we incessantly search for oil and essential minerals, and predict deadly earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. Moreover, the modern debate about the origin of the solar system revolves in part around what makes up the earth’s interior.
Over three days, God gave form to the sky, sea, and land. Included in the original material of creation was water, out of which God created the earth. This unique planet had just the right mix of chemicals and the right mass to hold a life-sustaining atmosphere.
Planet earth—theplace over six billion people call home. We are bombarded with ideas on how to go green, save the polar bears, and reduce our carbon footprint. Global warming remains at the forefront thanks to the media and politicians. It can be confusing for Christians who are called to be wise stewards of God’s creation.
Earth is a “pale blue dot,” thanks to oceans, lakes, and rivers that cover 71% of the planet’s surface. But where did this abundance of water come from?
Flat-earthers use globe earth assumptions when they navigate by the stars
Secular scientists see evidence of global catastrophe on Venus and Mars. So why can’t they admit the evidence on earth?
A resurgent flat-earth movement claims we need to get back to what the Bible says—but what does God’s Word really say about the earth’s shape?
Flat-earthers falsely claim that Polaris remains motionless in the sky as all other stars circle it. However, appearances can be deceiving.
How flat earthers cannot accurately account for the December solstice or other celestial phenomena with their zetetic model of the earth.
In preparation for the premiere of the documentary Faith on the Edge, I gathered my thoughts on the sociology of the flat-earth movement into 20 points.
Some flat-earthers have appealed to the Book of Enoch to support their argument that the Bible teaches that the earth is flat.
Water, the most abundant compound on earth, has many properties that make it truly remarkable especially in regard to making earth habitable and life possible.
In this article, I will examine many of the biblical passages that supposedly teach that the earth is flat, and I will show that in fact they do not.
Here I wish to expand upon the phenomenon that caused Rowbotham’s experiment to go awry. Rowbotham was a victim of a superior mirage.
Erik Lutz, AiG–US, explains why the Bible records both a statement that the earth is immovably set on pillars and that it is hanging on nothing.
The inner makeup of our planet may be hidden from view, but we can still discover many things about it that help us understand earth history.
As long as a planet is the right size, it could retain an atmosphere with all the right ingredients needed for life. Just one problem. Only one known planet does.
Journey to the center of the earth said to show how our core came to be.
In the beginning were the laws of physics (not!).
The earth occupies the central position in the entire universe because of its God-given role, even though it may not be in the geometrical center.
Carbonaceous chondrites steal comets’ credit for watering the early earth.
Challenged to explain where all the ocean water came from, some secular scientists are now rethinking their old beliefs.
Starting with the facts of God's Word and world, we fashion models to know God and see His truth.
PDF DownloadFar from being one of a kind, might the earth be one of many trillion?
An astronaut testifies to the dramatic beauty of our planet—and, indirectly, to the unique habitability our planet offers.
Our earthly home takes center stage in this issue of Answers, providing Christians the needed context in order to properly interpret global warming.
They’re a tiny minority of untrained, pseudoscientific hacks who buy into a disproven, centuries-old myth rather than accepting well-established modern science.
Earth is one special planet—and it seems the more we learn, the more we know it!
J. P. Holding responds to P. H. Seely’s dispute about whether the Bible teaches a flat earth.
P. H. Seely responds to J. P. Holding’s criticism of his writings about a flat earth.
Critic Paul H. Seely claims that the Bible teaches that the earth is a flat disc consisting of a single continent floating on a circular sea.
Evolutionists often falsely accuse creationists of believing in a flat Earth. But neither history nor modern scholarship supports the claim.
Dr. Thomas G. Barnes drew attention to the fact that the strength of the earth’s magnetic field was decreasing. On this basis he concluded that the magnetic field was less than 10,000 years old.
Fossils with magnetic properties demonstrate the rapid reversals of the Earth's magnetic field in the past.
The aim of this paper is to give a brief description of the Earth’s magnetic field and the models associated with it.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.