AiG’s Creation Museum is being challenged once again by the secularists, this time in the renowned magazine Scientific American.
Creation Museum’s Fearfully and Wonderfully Made and Ark Encounter’s Flood Geology exhibits have stunning new features.
Our Special Effects Theater at the Creation Museum, already unique in the world, has been totally rebuilt and converted into a 4D theater.
The Ark Encounter and Creation Museum are “evolving”—but not in the sense of chance, random processes. It’s through lots of intelligent design!
Portraying well-known scenes from the life of Jesus Christ at the Creation Museum required much research and careful attention to detail.
Over the years, incredulous news reporters have often asked how we managed to find so much talent to build the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter.
Praise the Lord with us that the Fiscal Court of Boone County approved 3-1 the changes needed for Answers in Genesis to rezone and expand the Creation Museum.
This Memorial Day weekend, starting May 24, our Creation Museum will open phase one of an amazing new million-dollar exhibit.
At AiG, we have an intense burden to reach generations of young people with the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. It’s needed now more than ever.
Visitors to the Creation Museum will be able to view an amazing new collection of historical Bible manuscripts and artifacts in the popular Verbum Domini (“The Word of the Lord”) exhibit.
A world-class dinosaur fossil will be exhibited at the Creation Museum, along with great teaching about dinosaurs that will honor God’s Word.
We are pleased to confirm that no serious injury resulted from a minor accident today on the zip line course that runs across the property of the Creation Museum.
The popular museum is celebrating its sixth anniversary with the dedication of three major stunning exhibits.
You may soon see one or more of the Creation Museum’s spectacular billboards advertising the new dragon exhibit at the museum.
One of the primary goals of both Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum is to emphasize the authority of Scripture in every area of life.
The Creation Museum does not promote the erroneous “curse of Ham.”
The Creation Museum has many exciting features and hosts a variety of special programs. Undoubtedly, the most extensive and popular annual event is the gospel-centered Christmas Town.
For InSite this month, we’re touring through the Creation Museum, taking an adventure through the everglades, watching videos on YouTube, and more!
Creationists and evolutionists have the exact same evidence, but we have different starting points, so we often reach different conclusions.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.