Join us and many of the nation’s leading Christian colleges and universities at the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky, for Creation College Expo.
Colleges across the US, including Yale, Duke, and Georgetown, are offering classes on witchcraft and the occult. This is a reminder that secular is not neutral.
UN-sponsored Human Rights Council proposed that the US Department of Education deny accreditation to colleges that teach creation and similar biblical beliefs.
A brave millennial recounts her mission around the globe to investigate how Christian students survive secular university.
Ken Ham and Steve Pettit discuss the importance of a biblical worldview in higher education.
Parents and students who are looking ahead to college should be humbled by the magnitude of the decision and implications that it will have on their life.
Unity is not only in Christ and His truth, but is maintained by committing to that truth and not being persuaded otherwise by men.
No matter where you go to school, we want share with you principles that we believe will help you survive your college experience and thrive through it all.
The battles are fierce at both secular and Christian colleges and universities. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the fight and forget the cause.
We felt strongly compelled to find out what is really being taught in Christian colleges and universities today.
The American higher education system used to be the envy of nations around the world, but in several profound ways, it is not making the grade.
Interview with Dr. Ed Hindson
Bryan College in Tennessee was founded to honor William Jennings Bryan, the man who defended creation at the 1925 Scopes trial.
Should medical educators clutter the busy course schedule that medical students must master with additional instruction in evolution?
Your faith will be tested at college. Prepare yourself now by grounding yourself on the right authority, allegiance, and Ally.
How can you study science at the collegiate level and still maintain a secure grip on your Christian beliefs, even under the evolutionists’ stronghold?
You don’t have to be a fanatic to promote creationism on your college campus. You just have to be a follower of Christ with a heart to see others believing Him and His Word on creation.
What happens when you enroll at a compromised university and hear the professor confidently lecture on evolution, perhaps even ridiculing the creationist perspective?
As a creationist student in a secular science course, you must realize you are entering a battlefield. In the college classroom, Satan wants the Creator denied and the gospel concealed.
The Christ-centeredness of your heart matters much more than your college choice. Still, there are several factors to consider in choosing and then thriving in your educational environment.
Your children can successfully attend public university and finish with their faith intact.
Parents often send their children to Christian schools, trusting the professors to believe 100% of the Bible, when many professors and school leaders do not really believe all that the Bible teaches.
An “uncertain sound” is being heard in many Christian institutions across the United States.
How do you find what a Christian institution actually believes and teaches?
I can still see images of the tsunami hitting the eastern coast of Japan. The mud, debris, and destruction were almost unbelievable. But there is a different kind of tsunami I want to write about.
Read chapter eleven from the new book Already Compromised
Read chapter three from the new book Already Compromised
What happened to Christian universities? Many Christians, and especially biblical creationists, are wondering.
We have released an eye-opening resource that we believe will be a major shock that will “wake up” the “sleeping giant.”
The departure of Dr. Waltke has become a news item outside Evangelical circles. Terry Mortenson, AiG–U.S., comments on this news item.
A supporter sent in a fascinating article that focuses on evolution education in Michigan.
In addition to the normal academic pressures faced by all students, the consistent Christian must learn to be discerning about the views and interpretations expressed by his or her professors.
Coming to Grips with Genesis: Biblical Authority and the Age of the Earth is a welcome addition to creation literature defending the literal history and theological substance of Genesis 1–11.
More and more universities offer classes that specifically address the creation and intelligent design movements.
Liberty University requires all students to complete a course in origins.
A guest writer documents a sad example of the compromise rampant in Christian universities.
Jackson Hole Bible College (JHBC) offers an intensive, one-year program of Bible education leading to a Diploma of Biblical Foundations.
The Master’s College is an accredited, four-year, liberal arts Christian college. They currently offer undergraduate degree programs in 13 fields of study.
I was a fourth-generation student pursuing a pre-med biology degree at a Christian college in the 1980s. I was assured by the third generation that the college was theologically conservative ...
Established in 1887 in southwest Ohio, Cedarville University is a non-denominational institute for more than 3,000 students.
Besides taking back the scientific disciplines of astronomy, biology, geology, archaeology, etc. which have been captured by the godless evolutionary worldview, we also need to take back theology.
Many Christian colleges teach evolutionism and liberal theology.
Imagine my shock! The president of a Christian college (where I was speaking) was an eyewitness of the story he shared with me at lunch a few weeks ago.
As we are in the final months of ministry for 2004, a year which we themed ‘Refuting Compromise’ in our newsletter and website, I wanted to share a very sad, but real-life example of compromise.
Recently, AiG-US president Ken Ham wrote an article on this website about the impact the creation/gospel message has had on college and high school students, and shared several anecdotes.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.