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These Master’s College students enjoy the California weather after a day of classes.
In today’s culture, young people leave the church in alarming numbers. A select few Christian colleges throughout America are dedicated to restoring confidence in the truth of the Scriptures from the very first verse. One of those is The Master’s College in southern California. The self-described mission of this institution is to “empower Christian students to live a life of enduring commitment to Christ, biblical fidelity, moral integrity, intellectual growth, and lasting contribution to the Kingdom of God.”
The president of The Master’s College and Seminary is Dr. John MacArthur, who serves as pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California. MacArthur also teaches on the daily radio program Grace to You, and is the author of several books, including The Battle for the Beginning and Think Biblically!
The Master’s College is an accredited, four-year, liberal arts Christian college. The college currently offers traditional undergraduate degree programs in 13 fields of study, including business, communication, history, music, mathematics, and biblical studies. Also, the Master’s Institute is a special program available for undergraduate students desiring one year of intensive Bible training. At the graduate level, the college offers Master of Arts programs in nouthetic (biblical) counseling, biblical studies, and education.
With a firm commitment to biblical creation, The Master’s College hosts a yearly Creation Science Symposium, with lectures by scientists involved in creation research. The Dean’s office reports that their faculty adheres to a biblical view of creation and teaches it in their science—as well as Bible and theology—classes.
Enrollment at The Master’s College in the fall of 2006 was 1,200 students, representing 42 states and 42 countries.
For more information, visit Master’s College or Seminary online at or
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