Christian parents have the humbling and difficult responsibility to assure that their children are given a solid foundation in the things of God.
How do we properly raise our children in the training and instruction of the Lord so that they will grow into godly adults?
Wide is the path that leads to destruction, and children are racing down that path.
The Bible stresses a father’s duty to train up his children consistently in God’s truth, despite all the busyness of daily life.
Over the years I’ve heard parents in America and Australia tell me that their kids were being taught evolution at younger and younger ages.
There is a children’s book called Charlie and the Tortoise that tries to indoctrinate children into believing that the evolution fairy tale is true.
Desperate times call for desperate measures—and these are desperate times. We do have an epidemic on our hands.
Parents need to recognize the seriousness of the situation, study the enemy’s strategies, rigorously train their children with biblical answers, and rely on God’s limitless grace.
UK mandates teaching that natural biological processes explain origins of life on earth.
Cosmos astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson asserts that religious influence on science intellectually cripples would-be innovators.
Every Christian family is concerned about discipleship—training the next generation to walk with God and give a scriptural defense of their faith.
The best way to lead Christ-followers has never changed: by your example.
Atheists are aggressively attacking Christianity more and more, and they are setting their sights on our children.
How diligent we must be to teach children the truth of God’s Word and equip them with the armor they need so they won’t believe “the lie.”
Christians need to rescue children and teens from the destructive teaching of shepherds who compromise God’s Word and lead our children astray.
AiG President Ken Ham addresses how, more than ever in our increasingly secularized culture, Christians need to actively rescue our children.
Do you know who said this? “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future!” It sounds like something a modern-day atheist might say.
Bill Nye is crusading to capture your children’s minds for evolution. His recent video “Creationism Is Not Appropriate For Children” has revealed his strong evolutionary bias and his own blind spot.
Bill Nye, the “science guy” of children’s television fame, recently answered a few questions for the magazine Popular Mechanics.
You may be surprised how humanists realize that they must target your children. Ken Ham exposes the truth.
Many of those opposing the Christian faith accuse Christians of supposed “child abuse” for teaching them about God of creation.
Each of our children grew up with creationist resources, and such a foundation can keep children in church when they grow up.
Few Americans are aware of the spiritual epidemic that wiped out the land of our Christian forefathers. Even fewer are aware that the same epidemic has reached our own shores, spreading like a virus.
Evolutionists often dangle dinosaurs in front of children to spread their message. Find out how you can counter this.
Even with such intense indoctrination, secularists complain that creationists are increasingly successful in countering the evolution/long ages message.
Although much more can be done, I praise the Lord that the number, quality, and variety of materials produced by creation-oriented ministries around the world continue to increase dramatically.
We all knew “the call” was coming and prepared ourselves as best we could. Dad had been sick off and on for some time, and this time we knew that he would not be getting better.
And the sad fact is that statistics indicate that 70-80% of students from church homes who attend public schools will walk away from the church.
Whether it’s in America, a Third World country or wherever children receive some formal education, I would be prepared to say that young people have heard plenty about evolution.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.