Sometimes critics of Creation refer to the creation/evolution debate as “science vs. the Bible” or “reasoning vs. faith.” Of course, nothing could be further from the truth.
PDF DownloadIn this chapter, we will see that the scientific evidence very much supports the Genesis record of creation.
What are the limits of logic and is logic more important than God’s Word?
Clearly, there are many evidences which are fully consistent with the biblical age of the universe and are difficult to reconcile with a belief in billions of years.
Why is it that so many scientists choose to ignore the recorded history of the Bible, and instead believe in a vastly inflated age of the universe?
A reader questions our claim that the big bang is an attempt to explain the universe without God. Dr. Jason Lisle, AiG–U.S., responds.
In this chapter, we will explore some passages of Scripture which touch upon the topics of astronomy and astrophysics.
We will see that the universe has incredible beauty. This alone would be sufficient reason to praise God, but not only did God make the universe beautiful, He made it unimaginably large.
Does geological data “abundantly demonstrate” either that the earth is old or that God created it to appear old?
We all have certain beliefs: ideas that we hold to be true. These beliefs affect how we see the world and how we interpret the things we experience.
Some evolutionists have argued that science isn’t possible without evolution. But is evolution even science?
PDF DownloadDoes the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram prove that the universe must be millions of years old? Dr. Jason Lisle answers.
Did God create light from distant stars “in transit” to earth? Dr. Jason Lisle examines this argument from a biblical perspective.
The properties of stars do not suggest an evolutionary origin.
Critics of biblical creation sometimes use distant starlight as an argument against a young universe. But when we examine this argument carefully, we will see that it does not work.
Did God create logic? Or is logic further evidence of God’s existence?
Answers magazine attempts to answer many of the most-asked questions about astronomy.
How did this universe come into existence? Did God use “natural” methods to create the universe, or did He create everything supernaturally?
Did you know that amazing, beautiful shapes have been built into numbers? Believe it or not, numbers contain a “secret code”—a hidden beauty embedded in them.
The laws of nature are perfectly consistent with biblical creation, and pose a serious problem for naturalism.
A feedback submitters questions the legitimacy of the articles on AiG because of a perceived lack of credentials.
When Christians claim that the God of the Bible created all the basic entities of life and the universe, some will ask what seems to be a logical question: “Who created God?”
Presuppositions are things you take for granted: like your own existence, the reliability of your memory, your continued personal identity, moral laws, laws of logic, induction, and many others.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.