Just because a family member looks a little different doesn’t make her a different race—even if she’s adopted.
Scientists are now discovering that our DNA really does have hidden codes that have a practical function and purpose in our cells. Hidden codes pose a real problem for evolution.
Life is precious—no matter how short or how impaired that life may be.
Eve found hope in the same promised Seed that we all look to.
Truth or science fiction? It’s possible to bypass your ears and send electrical signals directly to the brain. True.
Can science be studied neutrally, without committing to any worldview?
Choosing the right college can be scary.
The issues of cloning and stem cells raise many emotional and ethical concerns. How do we think biblically regarding these topics?
When Charles Darwin studied finches from the Galápagos Islands, he attributed their variations to natural selection. Is there any truth to his claims?
If God is in charge, then His Word is clear—homosexuality is a sin and marriage is the union of one man and one woman. So why don’t young people believe that?
Why do scientists want to push the origin of life into outer space rather than believe that life originated on earth?
Even unbelievers know that the Bible’s a dangerous text because its internal purpose is to redeem—to change the very nature of humanity.
For decades, evolutionary scientists have ignored “junk” DNA that supposedly littered our genetic sequence.
Evolution would require an enormous amount of change. Modern laboratory experiments have tested bacteria’s ability to change. Is this ability truly unlimited?
This interview, on the one-year anniversary of the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham, captures the impact of the debate and AiG's heart for ministry.
God created bacteria to perform vital roles in every imaginable environment.
The tagline for the movie was, “What are you willing to believe?” The correct question should be, “Why do you willfully suppress what you already know is true?”
The Galápagos Islands are a scientist’s dream come true.
Microbes, fully-functioning stromatolites, and even stromatolite reefs may have been created by God before Day Three of the Creation Week.
Often, people are confused into thinking that a “species” is a “kind.” But this isn’t necessarily so.
The latest message of Bill Nye, “the Science Guy,” is that creation is dangerous and evolution the basis for modern science. Does he truly understand science?
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.