Since early times, the human imagination has connected stars into familiar patterns, which we call constellations.
When a probe flew by Pluto, it made a shocking discovery: the surface is young. Astronomers are still scrambling to explain why.
Some flat-earthers have appealed to the Book of Enoch to support their argument that the Bible teaches that the earth is flat.
Virtually every aspect of modern life rests, in some way, on Isaac Newton’s findings. So it’s no surprise that everyone, even biblical creationists, wants to claim him as their hero. But we need to be careful. Whose side is he really on?
The winter solstice has a special effect at Ireland’s most famous megalith.
The thought that aliens might be living on other planets may sound innocent enough. But lurking underneath are some deep theological dangers.
In this article, I will examine many of the biblical passages that supposedly teach that the earth is flat, and I will show that in fact they do not.
Here I wish to expand upon the phenomenon that caused Rowbotham’s experiment to go awry. Rowbotham was a victim of a superior mirage.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.