Christians need to rescue children and teens from the destructive teaching of shepherds who compromise God’s Word and lead our children astray.
Over my many years of traveling and speaking, I’ve realized that even many Christians (mostly unwittingly) have adopted an evolutionary view of man’s intelligence and achievements over the millennia.
Yes, 25 years ago, my first book The Lie was released, and it’s still in print. It’s sold over 450,000 copies, praise God!
The secularists are really upset that the Creation Museum uses dinosaurs to share our Christian faith. They act as if creationists have no right to use dinosaurs.
What better place to teach geology than the Grand Canyon? Exposed there is a large slice through the rock record of a major part of earth history.
My father went to be with the Lord just over 17 years ago. These many years later, I still remember the principles he taught me from God’s Word and also those he set by example.
We live in a time when it seems the basic ABCs of Christianity are not being taught in America as they once were.
There are several compromise positions about Genesis that permeate the church. All these views have one thing in common: they try to accommodate what the secularists believe about origins.
The idea of millions of years is like a disease, and biological evolution is like the symptom. Many Christians are willing to deal with the “symptom,” but not the “disease.”
We are seeing more and more “false prophets” arising in the church today. These teachers ultimately deny the true, saving gospel that everyone needs to heed.
One of the biggest challenges before us is not countering the teaching of evolution in the secular culture—but dealing with this wrong teaching in the church!
Our mission is to equip people to stand on the authority of the Word of God and to understand the Bible’s answers to the problems that perplex individuals and plague our world.
In God’s Word, we can read of a number of signs (or reminders) that help us never forget the truths of the Bible.
To help counter evolutionary teaching in astronomy, we at AiG have been doing our own kind of “beaming up,” inside our planetarium at the Creation Museum.
Our body is truly a “body of evidence” for the all-knowing and all-powerful Creator. It inspires us to give credit to our Creator and Savior, and reminds us of our accountability to Him.
Some Christians call Hebrews chapter 11 the “Believers Hall of Fame.” There, God recorded for us the names of some great “heroes of the faith.”
The Creation Museum is a center that walks people through the Bible, helping them to understand that the history in the Bible is true.
I can still see images of the tsunami hitting the eastern coast of Japan. The mud, debris, and destruction were almost unbelievable. But there is a different kind of tsunami I want to write about.
With our announcement of the construction of a full-size Noah’s Ark and with the 50th anniversary of the publication of The Genesis Flood, our attention is once again drawn to Genesis 6–8.
In an informal TV debate on the Anderson Cooper 360 CNN program a few weeks ago, my opponent was Rev. Barry Lynn—head of Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
The Ark Encounter project certainly created a buzz! And it’s a buzz that should remind us of lessons we should have already learned in regard to the spiritual nature of the world we live in today.
To put it mildly, a lot of excitement has been generated by the Ark Encounter. This Q&A should address many of your questions.
Many things changed between 1977 to 2010, but the authority of God’s Word shouldn’t be in that list.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.