Creation vs. evolution is not a battle of science vs. the Bible or science vs. faith. It’s a battle between two starting points; God’s Word and man’s word. Which starting point you chose will determine how you interpret the evidence.
In the creation/evolution controversy and battle over biblical authority, much of the dispute may become clearer if writers would carefully provide readers with precise definitions of terminology. These definitions may help clear up confusion.
Why is it that evolutionists are unwilling to allow for competing models, i.e., creation or even intelligent design? The hypothesis of evolution changes every year; if one theory is said to be fact, but then a year later is shown to be wrong, then how can it be fact in the first place? A true fact is something that never changes.
Can science and religion get along? Some secular scientists do seem to be making an effort to reach out; the problem is that they are only reaching out to religious individuals who won’t let their faith “get in the way” of science.
Russell Garwood in his article “Reach out to defend evolution,” complains that creationists present “perceived gaps in scientific knowledge as evidence in support of theistic world views.” Taking a biblical stand does not undermine science; it illuminates science, just like reliable eyewitness testimony enables a detective to correctly interpret the circumstantial evidence at the scene of a crime.
Like a TV courtroom drama, evolutionists present their case as though it’s open and shut. But we know something is missing.
We aren’t surprised that creation is considered a minority position in a study from seven different countries regarding what they believe about evolution.
It is often claimed that it takes more faith to believe in evolution than creation.
The ten best evidences for a young earth and creation including sea floor sediment, soft tissue in fossils, carbon-14, short-lived comets, and more.
There is much debate about the nature of science and religion. Some argue the two areas give us understanding in distinct ways. But should there be a battle?
If creationists are unwilling to change their basic beliefs, does that mean they’re not true scientists?
One of the big dangers in sharing our faith is to get sidetracked. It helps to acknowledge areas of agreement before getting into the deeper issues.
A recent two-part piece on The BioLogos Forum admits that meshing evolution and the image of God that all humans possess is a “challenging issue.”
Being featured in a two-page spread in National Geographic is not always a compliment for Christians.
An old French essay “On Liars” contains a little gem that may help you greatly in any debate about evolution and creation.
The debate with Bill Nye really illustrated the clash of two worldviews—choosing to decide truth for ourselves instead of trusting God’s Word.
Depicting the pre-Flood world at the Ark Encounter in northern Kentucky presents a challenge for designers.
Since 1995, Associates for Biblical Research has been digging a few miles north of Jerusalem at Khirbet el-Maqatir, the probable city of Ai.
Dr. Tim LaHaye shares his perspective on the Bible teachings of the Creation and the Bible teachings of the end times.
Within the first three minutes of the Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye debate, it was obvious how radically the creation-evolution debate has changed since the 1970s and 1980s.
Outdated apologetics can ruin more than your first impression.
Bible-believing Christians in the United Kingdom are lamenting the loss of more religious liberties.
The God of creation owns it all and He wins!
A new ship will soon be plying the turbulent waters of the evolution/creation debate: a replica of Darwin’s HMS Beagle, being built in Chile.
Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey host wonders why Answers in Genesis critiqued his series and why anyone cares.
It seems they cannot stand the fact that we would even dare to question and expose their bias-filled conclusions for what they are.
Not only do Bill Nye and Ken Ham hold totally different positions on origins, they also have different accounts of the history surrounding the recent debate at the Creation Museum.
On February 4, more than seven million people tuned in online to watch Ken Ham debate Bill Nye on whether creation is a viable model of origins in the modern era.
From a human perspective, we could have never imagined the level of interest the debate with Bill Nye would draw from around the world.
In the debate, Bill Nye did not talk much about astronomy. But when he did, he made several erroneous statements.
Ken Ham considers the heavy responsibility of representing Christianity to both the Christian and secular world who would be watching the debate with Bill Nye.
ABC News covered the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham with segments in two of their major news programs.
The debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye “the Science Guy” on February 4 has evoked some strong and incredibly mixed reactions from the media, atheist bloggers, and Christians.
In what some observers have dubbed “Scopes II,” Nye and Ham sparred in a cordial yet spirited debate in front of a live audience that braved a winter storm.
Few events in the history of the creation/evolution issue have garnered as much attention from the public as Ken Ham’s debate last night with Bill Nye.
Two men who love science debate the question, “Is creation a viable model of origins in today’s modern scientific era?”
This very title promotes a misconception that the debate should clarify for many.
Debates between spokespersons who come from different perspectives can help develop critical thinking in students.
Critics have put forward creative but erroneous conjectures about the upcoming debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham.
Why are some atheists throwing a tantrum about the upcoming debate between Ken Ham and Bill Nye?
Why not arrange to have this debate shown in your college—Christian or secular—and make it an outreach to the student body, faculty, and the community?
We are pleased to announce that the upcoming debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham will be available to view online—free of charge.
It’s remarkable to what lengths some secularists will go in order to create bizarre conspiracies out of nothing!
Tickets sold out within minutes for the debate between TV’s personality Bill Nye “the Science Guy” and Answers in Genesis president Ken Ham, to be held at the Creation Museum.
On February 4, 2014, TV’s famed “Bill Nye the Science Guy” will debate Creation Museum founder and president Ken Ham on the topic of evolution, creation, science, and origins.
Over the past 30 years of Ken Ham’s personal experience in the biblical creation ministry, he has observed “evolving” (in the sense of “changing”) tactics used by prominent secularists.
An evolutionary paleontologist wrote an article for Nature condemning the way creationists present the work of evolutionists, and he called for a more aggressive defense of evolution.
Over the past 30 years, I have observed evolving tactics used by secularists to respond to arguments from creationist scholars and researchers.
A panel at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science tackled the often rocky relationship between science and religion.
“My generation of evangelicals is . . . ready to be done with the whole evolution-creation debate. We are ready to move on.” Those are among the bold claims from a young evangelical who now “embrace[s] evolution.”
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.