The survival of living species depends on its ability to pass on its genetic instructions, from generation to generation, without significant alteration.
It is fitting that one of the most marvelous organs in the body should be used to hear the Word of God.
Dogs are always sniffing around, but it’s not because they’re always hungry. Unlike us, they interpret the world primarily through smell.
Look at those luscious pancakes! Can’t you just taste them? You can—because of God’s intricate design for your senses.
Ask the average layperson how he or she knows that the earth is millions or billions of years old, and that person will probably mention the dinosaurs.
Exploring how Adam, Methuselah, and Noah in the book of Genesis really lived for centuries and biological/genetic reasons why humans no longer live that long.
How the fossil record, evolutionary assumptions, artistic license, and anatomical differences do NOT confirm common ancestry between humans and apes.
Perhaps the most bitter pill to swallow for any Christian who attempts to “make peace” with Darwin is the presumed ape ancestry of man.
It is often claimed that it takes more faith to believe in evolution than creation.
As far as stereotypes go, cavemen make easy targets—especially when transplanted into the twenty-first century.
Transitional forms in the fossil record are rarely, if ever, observed. This lack of evidence is very damaging to macroevolutionary theory.
The ten best evidences for a young earth and creation including sea floor sediment, soft tissue in fossils, carbon-14, short-lived comets, and more.
Perhaps, in fact, it’s our discomfort with not knowing what to do with cavemen that makes us laugh. So just who were they?
The secret ingredient to continual breathing? Water.
Did dinosaurs evolve into birds? Are the birds we see at our window actually feathered dinosaurs? For many evolutionists these claims are unassailable facts.
What does the Bible tell us about the origin of birds, and just how good is the scientific evidence that some dinosaurs evolved into birds?
Why do so many intelligent people find the idea of molecules-to-man evolution compelling, while others consider it outrageously improbable?
Let’s take a look at the whole matter of aging and death from the perspective of both the Bible and science.
The essential “Darwinian” axiom of chance evolution by random change and “survival of the fittest” was broadly suggested by ancient Greek philosophers.
Evolutionism is a belief system based upon the assumption that there is a materialistic explanation for the origin of everything.
In an effort to fill the gap between apes and men, certain fossil men have been declared to be “apelike” and, thus, ancestral to at least “modern” man.
The bitterest pill to swallow for any Christian who attempts to “make peace” with Darwin is the presumed animal ancestry of man.
Interpretation of the Hebrew word yom in Genesis 1–2 has become one of the most contested issues among professing Christians and Jews.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.