Our vision of the world merely begins at our eyes. Take a deeper look at the wonders our brain performs every second to help us see.
The diversity of eye, hair, and skin pigmentations across the globe actually demonstrates a genetic relationship with our first parents, Adam and Eve.
When it comes to intelligence, the size of your noggin isn’t a factor.
Our failure to remember unimportant details isn’t a sign of senility. It shows our brain is working quite well, sorting out things that matter!
Dr. David DeWitt responds to claims that the creation model is not scientific and does not make predictions.
DNA similarity could easily be explained as a result of a common Creator.
Last Thursday, scientists published a series of articles providing a detailed analysis of a relatively new alleged human ancestor—Australopithecus sediba.
The brain's marvelous design makes it possible for us to grow and adapt to our changing environment.
Darwin claimed that a brain that evolved could not adequately detect design. But he did not consider his own presuppositional beliefs or the implications of such an argument.
Darwin suggested that if a graded series of organisms, each with some sort of eye, can be found then this would mean that the eyes could have been produced by natural selection.
In a recent article, New Scientist discusses five supposed vestigial organs in the human body, but as Dr. David DeWitt shows, there’s more to the story than evolutionists will admit.
PDF DownloadDr. David DeWitt examines the Darwinism–Nazism connection examined in Ben Stein’s new film Expelled.
Dr. David DeWitt of Liberty University discusses the take-home messages of the PBS–NOVA documentary earlier this week.
Both the Creation Museum and the Smithsonian National Museum of History have impressive exhibits, but if you look closer, you’ll find an eternal difference.
The National Center for Science Education (NCSE) headed by Dr. Eugenie Scott has started a campaign to try to discourage parents from bringing their children to the Creation Museum.
Perhaps one of the most exciting recent discoveries for creationists has been the report of soft tissue found in a dinosaur fossil.
Evolutionist Eugenie Scott doesn’t think much of creationists, no matter what level of education they’ve attained.
Whether it is a new dinosaur skeleton, a new fossil hominid or alleged genetic links between different species, evolution is frequently in the media.
The field of human origins is a very fast-paced area. Indeed, almost every new hominid fossil that is found causes a reshuffling of the human evolutionary tree.
There seems to be a never-ending stream of media reports that promote evolution. The latest is the provocative notion that there was hybridization between human and chimpanzee ancestors.
Even though FOXP2 has a similar sequence and a similar function in other organisms, it serves a unique role in the context of a human being to facilitate language.
While there is much similarity in DNA sequences and gene expression among them, there are also important differences. In the case examined, as in other cases, the differences make the difference.
A recent article from The Washington Post had the headline, “New Analyses Bolster Central Tenets of Evolution Theory.”
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.