Typically swine flu does not infect humans but occasionally it mutates and then is capable of infecting humans. Contact with pigs is usually necessary to “catch” swine flu but sometimes it mutates further and is transmissible from human to human.
Cancer reminds us of the brokenness, the suffering, and the mortality of creation in this present age, all traceable back to Adam’s sin. Genesis makes it clear that everything in the original creation, was “very good.” We can infer that cancer was not a part of that, since the Bible describes death as an “enemy.”
It is plain to see that the genetic code of bird flu viruses does not stay the same but is constantly mutating and rearranging. Because virus proteins interact with proteins in the cells they infect, changes in the viral protein can have effects on what type of cells can be infected. So what should one say if asked, “Is the ‘bird flu’ evolving?”
Mosquitoes in the original creation were likely pollinators able to derive the nutrients needed to reproduce from plants without consuming blood. But what about the malaria-causing parasite Plasmodium before “the Fall”?
When our oldest son was diagnosed with Williams syndrome—a rare genetic disorder that causes cognitive and physical disabilities—my husband and I found ourselves in a whole new world.
Did God create parasites to make us sick?
Tick-borne diseases like Lyme disease have plagued humans for millennia. Did God make them that way, and what do they teach us about a fallen creation?
A creation perspective on why God allows emerging and reemerging diseases like COVID-19 and Lyme Disease that cause emotional, financial, and health problems.
Understanding the flu’s origins will practically aid us in treating the flu virus, so let’s take a look first at what causes the flu.
If everything that God made was good, where did disease-causing mosquitoes come from? What is the origin of mosquito-borne diseases?
Zika, spread by mosquitoes, can severely damage unborn babies’ nervous systems and cause them to be born with tiny heads (microcephaly).
Evolutionary scientists assume the patterns they see result from evolution and therefore erroneously believe evolutionary thinking can help the war on cancer.
Every second, our bodies must monitor a melange of threats that seek to invade and destroy.
Is Community-associated (CA)-MRSA “evolution in action”? Microbiology research based on creation provides some answers to its emerging dominance in the USA.
Antibiotic resistance is one of the most important topics that a beginning biology student going into medicine should learn and understand.
Fleas are considered a nuisance. How can they be explained as a part of God’s very good creation?
Is the war on malaria plagued by “rapid evolution of insecticide resistance” in mosquitoes?
A physicist and an astrobiologist team up to explain to medical doctors how knowledge of evolution holds the key to curing cancer.
West Nile virus: brought to you by public enemy number one
Evolving people? . . . Or just natural selection in action? Researchers suspect the long presence of cholera has been recorded in the human genome.
Can bad-smelling feet, probiotics for mosquitoes, and evolutionary presuppositions solve the problem of malaria?
Microbiology and parasitology research based on the creation paradigm appears to provide some answers puzzling questions.
Gypsy moth virus packs a weapon of mass dispersion.
Cancer reminds us of brokenness, suffering, and mortality traceable to Adam’s sin. But evolutionists propose that cancer may be our ancestor!
Leprosy has terrified humanity since ancient times and was reported as early as 600 BC in India, China, and Egypt. Hansen’s disease is still a major health problem.
H1N1 flu virus is an example of mutation, not evolution in the usual sense of the word.
The latest influenza outbreak has people in a panic. What should Christians think?
An off-hand comment by a firefighter writing in Newsweek reminds us of the immense influence of the creation–evolution debate.
Last year marked the 25th anniversary of the discovery of HIV/AIDS. The deadly pandemic virus has been responsible for more than 25 million deaths.
Governments and industries are attempting to educate the public with a basic understanding of the bird flu virus and precautionary measures to take against it.
Is the bird flu evolving? The bird flu is changing, but not in the Darwinian sense that it will become something other than an influenza virus.
The nuns at the Yambuku mission hospital were using five unsterilized needles to give injections to hundreds of people each day. Epidemiologists have concluded that this caused the outbreak.
As a biology teacher I explain to my higher biology class the so-called 'evidence' for evolution. This often means demonstrating that the evidence is inconclusive.
Sixth-graders I have lectured on genetic counselling invariably pop some questions such as: ‘Is it true that the sickle-cell phenomenon has established Darwinian evolution as fact?’
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.