The nebular hypothesis is simply a story to describe what may have happened in the “prehistoric” solar system. There are no observations to support the claims that natural processes over millions of years could form a solar system.
Over and over again in astronomy, cosmic collisions are invoked as a sort of magic wand to rescue evolutionary theories from the facts. The planet Uranus is tilted over, therefore, something hit it. Venus’s rotation contradicts evolutionary predictions—therefore, something hit it. Mercury is too dense for evolution—therefore, something hit it.
Since everything formed from the same raw materials, NASA expected the chemistry to be the same throughout. But the isotope ratios found in these solar wind particles do not match those on earth.
Evolutionists and young earth creationists both agree that the earth is about the same age as the solar system. Evolutionists believe that both formed spontaneously about 4.5 billion years ago. Young-earth creationists believe that the earth was formed on Day One and the rest of the solar system and universe on Day Four.
A new headline proclaimed the discovery of another evolutionary problem, this time describing a “forbidden” planet that “shouldn’t exist.”
Scientists are looking into possibilities for why Quaoar’s rings are the way they are—but I actually already have the big picture answer!
Mars is nicknamed “the red planet” (and rightly so!). So why did a recent article refer to Mars as “a pale blue dot”?
The Cassini-Huygens mission vastly improved our understanding of Saturn. The space probe Cassini’s most amazing discovery was the clear testimony to Saturn’s young age and that it had a Creator.
Despite some similarities, Earth and the planet next door have very different purposes.
A biblical overview for why our week is only seven days, how the secular world explains it, and the benefits we enjoy from God’s ordained work-rest weekly pattern
The solar system supposedly formed gradually from the collapse of a cloud of gas and dust. Obviously, this idea is at odds with the biblical creation narrative.
There has been some debate among theologians as to whether the sun and the moon will exist in the eternal state.
When a probe flew by Pluto, it made a shocking discovery: the surface is young. Astronomers are still scrambling to explain why.
Did Mars once contain vast oceans? Some creationists now think so.
Pluto fans may be encouraged by the announcement that astronomers think they have evidence there is a ninth planet after all, a sort of replacement for Pluto.
Most astronomers think Pluto and the many other objects orbiting beyond Neptune are Kuiper belt objects. What does this assume about the age of the universe?
Genesis captures solar wind and blows a hole in the nebular hypothesis.
Pluto’s atmosphere is expanding dramatically.
Many dating methods establish a maximum age for many earth and space systems that is much too small to confirm the evolutionary age of 4.5 billion years.
Every year the Creator provides us with a feast of heavenly wonders at night. Be sure to enjoy some of them in the coming year.
There are many problems with the models and hypotheses that are used to support the naturalistic story of how the solar system formed.
Water ice has been discovered again in space, this time on the surface of the asteroid 24 Themis.
The night sky is a glistening treasure trove, just waiting for you to explore. All you need is a pair of binoculars or a basic telescope.
The hypothesized subsurface ocean of Jupiter’s moon Europa was already a hotbed for evolutionists’ hopes for finding extraterrestrial life.
To the sunny beaches on Titan, everyone—let’s all go for a swim!
A mysterious group of icy objects in our outer solar system is covered in “fresh powdery ice” and looks as though it is “no more than 100 million years old”—a far cry from the supposed age of a billion years.
Piggybacking on our first story of the week is news of a German team that has more evidence that there is water on Saturn’s moon Enceladus.
Psalm 19 tells us that the heavens declare the glory of God. But what do the heavens declare about the age of the universe?
National Geographic News reports on a new model, published online in last week’s Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, that removes the need for liquid water in explaining the “unusual” geysers on Enceladus’s south pole.
Geysers on Charon, Pluto's "moon", pose a quandary to scientists.
NASA experiments with robotic navigation of a sinkhole in Zacatan, thought to closely resemble supposed oceans on Jupiter's moon, Europa.
What almost all of us were taught about Pluto in science class has recently been reexamined and modified.
Astronomers have discovered a new member of our solar system and NASA is calling this object the "tenth planet."
Tiny Mercury has much to say about the origins of our solar system.
Neptune is the eighth of the nine known planets in our solar system. It poses many problems for those who wish to deny Creation.
Unusual in many ways, Uranus and its moons pose big problems for evolutionary theories of planet formation, and can be seen as an exciting testament to the Creator.
Naturalistic explanations have failed so far to explain the anomalous thermal behavior of Uranus.
In the last few decades, a number of exciting space ventures have provided scientists with a great deal of new information about our solar system.
Creationists have long argued that the rings of Saturn are less than 1 million years old, in spite of evolutionists’ claims that the planet is 4.5–5.0 billion years old.
The rings around Saturn make it one of the most beautiful telescopic objects in the sky. Italian astronomer Galileo admired the planet almost 400 years ago, and wrote of its ‘peculiar appearance.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.